A challenge

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The kiss didn't last more than 3 seconds. I pushed Cameron away.

"What the hell was that?" I asked embarrassed. The girls that had been around the twins a few minutes ago were now walking away whispering and laughing. The twins on the other hand had their mouths open and they were staring at Cameron and me.

"I... I'm drunk." He said. I stared at him shocked and felt my cheeks burn.

"I'll pass on the ride home." I said walking away from them.

"Wait it's dark already!" One of the twins said behind me.

I was so embarrassed. But deep inside me I was excited. Cameron Dallas had just kissed me!
"Yeah, thanks for the heads up!" I said not turning around. My emotions were mixed, I wanted to cry. I wanted to tell this to someone, but that someone wasn't around anymore.

But I still had Lexie and Katie. How I was going to tell them this? I had no idea.

An hour later I was still walking. I knew I wasn't far, I'd just passed Target so I was going in the right direction. I had to go home first , get a change of clothes and then make my way to Lexie's house. I turned to my left and ended up on the street leading to my house. Just four houses away. When I finally got home there was a car outside. I went inside and found Hiba and Kari in the living room.

"Hey Cris!" Said Hiba smiling.
"Hey guys." I said as normal as I could.

"You look troubled. You okay?" My older sister asked looking at me.

"I'm good. Just went for a long walk on the beach." I replied casual.

"We should go tomorrow!" Hiba suggested.
And with that my sister and her friend started making plans.

I went upstairs and grabbed a backpack. I put some clothes in it, my makeup bag, my toothbrush and some toothpaste, and PJs.

I stood in front of my mirror and breathed.
"Okay." And then I started to do my happy dance. "Cameron Dallas kissed me!"

I heard footsteps and stopped.
"What?" I asked.
"What did you say?" Kari asked, her face red. She was obviously trying not to laugh.

"Just go!" I said reaching for a stuffed animal and throwing it at her.

She laughed but she left, not without throwing the pink cow back though.

After a few minutes of making sure I had everything I said goodbye to the girls and made my way out. When I locked the door I quickly called for an Uber. And two minutes later there was a Mercedes Benz waiting. Except it wasn't an Uber.

The door to the copilot seat opened and Ethan came out, followed by Grayson on the other side of the car. I rolled my eyes even though I was a little happy to see them. I was about to go back inside when I heard one of the twins' footsteps from behind me.

"Wait! Tina." One of them said.

"I'm really not in the mood Ethan or Grayson." I said trying to unlock the door. The key was stuck. Great.

"It's Ethan... here let me help y-"
"No thanks." I took a deep breath and turned to look at him. "Do you know how embarrassing that was?" I asked.

"I'm so sorry he did that, we had no idea-"
"Forget about the kiss Ethan! The fact that I had to spend almost an hour looking for you! And you guys, had invited me to that party, I didn't know anyone! We didn't hang out for more than ten minutes!" I said frustrated.

So maybe I had thought that if they had unfinished business they should go and deal with it, but I knew deep down I wasn't okay with that. "And the worst part is, I find you both having a hell of a time in the parking lot with a bunch of girls!"

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