Five of us

105 5 16

Ethan's P.O.V.

We were in our living room.
Tina sat across from Gray and I.
"A while ago we had... a friend. She was really really close to us-" I started.
"We were really close to each other-" Gray said.
"Yeah and, long story short, she didn't really watch YouTube, didn't know we were youtubers. When we told her she started talking crap about us. We don't know why, she suddenly started to talk behind our backs, telling people private stuff we'd told her."

Tina looked at us sympathetically.
"She said stuff we didn't really want the whole world to know-" I continued.
"Maybe not the whole world you know? But she did tell a large amount of people," Gray cut in.
"We kind of regretted telling her about our channel," I said.
"We didn't know if it would be similar with you. She was really nice and funny when we met her. She was a normal teenage girl who we considered our friend and she turned her back on us."
Tina sighed and cleared her throat. "I'm sorry."

Gray and I looked at her.
"I feel like I overreacted, and I'm sorry."
"No you didn't." Grayson said.
"We shouldn't have hidden it," I told her.
She nodded and looked down at her lap.
"We're so thankful that you reacted like this though," I said.
"Dude!" Grayson said slapping my arm.
"What? That means she cared about it, I mean, she could've reacted like our old friend. This reaction made me see that she does care about us, that she's here to listen to us and to keep our secrets... I mean not this one, obviously."

Tina chuckled and looked at us.
"Guys, I'll always be here for you. Of course I want you to tell me about your hobbies, jobs, passions, your secrets... I mean, not like really personal stuff, not if it makes you feel uncomfortable."
We laughed softly, the three of us.
"We're sorry." Grayson said.
"Me too," she said smiling.
She checked her phone and stood up.
"Okay I really need to go now, Katie and Lexie will be suspicious and will probably call anytime now-"
And just as she was putting her phone back in her pocket it started ringing.

"You know, you might as well tell them," I said.
Gray nodded. "True."
"They'll freak out," she warned us.
We shrugged. "We'll get used to it and so will they."
She answered the phone. "Katie hey, I was just outside. But can you come out? Please."
A few seconds later she hung up.
We walked to the door.
"Okay, I guess you're meeting my friends, who are fans of yours," she was about to open the door but turned to us first, "who! Happen to have fan accounts for you."
"Tina, we're okay with it."

She sighed and walked out.
"Okay go to my backyard and just wait there."

Cristina's P.O.V.

"Hey," Lexie said as she came out followed by Katie.
I took deep breaths as I walked up to them and smiled nervously.
"Hey! Hey uh hi, okay hah." I couldn't get out a sentence. Nothing.
"What's wrong?" Katie asked raising her eyebrows.
"What? Nothing, nothing um. I need to tell you something," I said.
"You're kind of scaring me," Lexie said holding her hands up.

Damn it just get it out. Spit it out. Pour it out! Say it!
"I want to introduce you to... to- to um- I want you to meet two of my good friends."
"Are they imaginary?" Katie asked.
"What?" I asked confused.
"Or maybe invisible?" Lexie asked.
"We can't see them Tina." They said.
"No, no you cannot see them because- because I need you to be cool. Don't freak out."

I felt butterflies in my stomach. I was nervous but I was excited.
"We're kind of freaking out. Are they murderers?"
"What? Katie! No!"
"Tell us then!" Lexie said exasperated.
I took a deep breath.

"Okay here goes... everything," I murmured to myself.
I turned to look back at the twins' house. They weren't there anymore, okay, they were in the back already.
"Come," I said while I took their hands and walked them to my backyard.
"Where are we going?" Lexie asked.
"You're not asking us to join a cult or anything right?" Katie asked scared.
"God you're so weird," I replied.

"Stay here," I said to them as I checked quickly if the twins were there.
They looked at me and gave me a thumbs up.
"Ah, okay, guys come on," I said turning back to the girls.

They walked to the backyard, and I knew there were no go backs.

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