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I looked at my phone. The screen black.
"Tina?" Ethan asked gently.
"I think- I think I need to... crap I don't know what I need." I said stressed.
"Do you want us to leave?" Gray asked his eyes softly shining.

"No. Just, stay." I said quietly.
Ethan looked around my room. And then his eyes landed on my skateboard hidden behind a full length mirror. He stood up and walked towards it.

"No way." He said taking it. "I have the same one."
"You have a girls skateboard?" Grayson asked.
"Wha- No." He replied putting it back.
I smiled.
"My sister got it for me a few years ago." I said.

"Kari?" Ethan asked.
"No. Chanel." I replied looking past him to the paused movie on my T.V.
"White chicks?" Grayson asked noticing my eye contact with the T.V.
I nodded and put my phone on top of my vanity.

"Oh! I like this movie!" He said throwing himself on the bed.
I offered them ice cream.
"I fucking love this flavor." Ethan said closing his eyes.
"Don't have an orgasm." Grayson and I said at the same time, as we laughed.

Close to the end of the movie Gray's phone started ringing.

"Hello?" He said. After the other person spoke he sat up quickly. "Yes. Right now? We'll be there in 20. Thank you." He hung up and started getting up from my bed

"Who was that. Gray?" Ethan asked.
"Chris. We need to go." He said.
"Right now?" His brother replied whining. "We haven't seen the part where Tiffany kicks the guy's ass."
"Ethan. It's about the surprise party." He said through gritted teeth.

"Oh. Oooh." He said getting up and grabbing his Vans.
"Surprise party?" I asked.
"Yeah, our-"
"Our aunt and her- neighbor are celebrating something." Ethan finished for his twin.

I raised my eyebrows. "Okay. I'll go get the door for you."
"Who said anything about a door?" Grayson asked.
"Yeah, why use a door when you have a window?" Ethan asked shrugging.

And it hit me what they were thinking. "No," I said standing up, "you're crazy!"
"We get that... A lot." They both said.
"You're gonna jump out?"
"Yeah why not?" Grayson asked.

They opened my window and his was already open. It was a thirty something foot drop I think. Ethan sat on the frame and then jumped to Gray's window. His feet went first and his back scratched the window frame.
Pretty sure that would leave a mark.

"Fuck!" Ethan yelled. I could see him on the floor twisting in pain.
"Oh my God," Grayson said low then more loudly, "stop being a drama queen Ethan... and move!"
Gray sat on the edge of the window and right when he was about to jump a pigeon out of nowhere flew to his face blocking his sight.

"GRAYSON!" I yelled running to the window and trying to grab his hand. But it was too late.
Ethan got up from the floor immediately and looked out the window.
"GRAY!" He yelled and as I saw Ethan running downstairs I did the same.

I opened the both doors to make my way out and went to the side of the house, Ethan behind me.
"Shit." Grayson said laughing.
"Are you laughing Grayson?!" I yelled crouching besides him.
He'd landed on some boxes my dad had put out in the morning, of stuff from our old house.

"Fucking Grayson man! You gave me a heart attack." Ethan said with his hand on his forehead.
"I- I feel like I broke my wrist." He said in pain.
"Ah crap. A cast again?"


It had been two days since the video came out and I wasn't handling it well. School started in 2 months and I was not ready. Yeah it seemed like a long time from now but I felt like time was flying.

I haven't seen the twins since that day they came over to my house to tell me about the video. I hadn't been out of my house actually.

Ethan: Hey, sorry we've been busy with some stuff lately. How are you? Let us know if you need anything.

I looked at the message and locked my phone. I couldn't stay in here forever. My parents would find out.

I stood up and got a hoodie, jeans and my Vans. I put my messy hair into a bun, took my earphones and my skateboard, then walked out of my room.

My mom was downstairs cooking, and Kari was in her room.

"Tina!" Kari yelled.
"Yeah?" I replied.
"Come here." She said.
Her door was ajar so I just pushed it open and walked in.

"I wanted to ask you something that's been freaking me out since yesterday." She said. She wore a tank top, a cardigan, jeans and converse. Her hair was in waves, and her sunglasses were on her head, she was definitely going out.

"Okay. What is it?" I asked putting my skateboard down.
"A video- a video came out, and pictures of you." She said. I could tell she was dying of excitement or nerves. "How are you?"
"I'm fine." I replied.
"Are you sure? Then..You kissed Cameron?" She asked her hands clasped together.

"Yes I did." I said sighing.
"I have a famous sister! Oh my gosh! I can't- This is crazy! No wonder you haven't left home these past two days!" She said excited.
"You know it's not as awesome as it seems Karina. I've been getting hate from so many fucking people." I said taking my skateboard and leaving her room.

"Mom I'm going skateboarding!" I yelled making my way out.
"Be safe!" She said.

I closed the door and as I walked to the sidewalk I heard the front door open then close.
I looked back and saw my sister in a purple hoodie, jeans and Vans. Skateboard in hand.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.
She put a foot on her board.
"I'm coming with you. I'm sorry, by the way."
I smiled slightly.
"Thanks." I said softly.
"You're my little sister. I'll never let anything happen to you Tina."

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