Reckless - Chapter One

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Chapter One

Usually someone would be depressed if they left behind everything that they grew up with.

As for my case, I didn’t really feel anything at all. The place that I grew up in, never really felt like home. It just felt like I was passing through.

When I departed from Florida, I wasn’t sure where I was headed. I had no idea what I was even looking for. I hopped on a bus with only a bag full of some of the clothes, toiletries, and the little sum of money that I owned.

I rode through the country; sleeping on the bus at night too. When I finally managed to get my a** off of that dingy bus, this feeling of freedom overwhelmed me.

I ended up in the “heart of it all” state - Ohio. I continued to ride through the state until a sign caught my attention. In bold letters it read: WELCOME TO THE CITY OF HUDSON. The city wasn’t very big, but a whole lot bigger than my town back in Florida.

There was something about the atmosphere that drew me in; something in the air felt like I was finally free of all the burdens from the past years. Since it seemed like a nice place, I decided to stay.

Walking around the small city, I realized two things. One, I was seriously famished. And two, where the h*ll was I supposed to go? Suddenly the feeling of actually being alone, consumed me.

I was on my own, in a place that I had no knowledge of whatsoever.

The many faces that walked the streets didn’t acknowledge me. They were men and women dressed up in suits, which I assumed meant they were heading to work.

Work. If I wanted to survive here, I had to get a job. Getting a job wasn’t what scared me; I’ve had jobs since I was 14. What scared me was, would I be accepted here?

My hometown in Florida never received many outside visitors. So when someone new came into town… well, I didn’t know because no one ever bothered to.

Was Hudson, Ohio any different?

Could I make something out of myself here?

I walked around the quaint town for another thirty minutes, searching for something but not knowing what it was exactly. Suddenly, the smell of something heavenly engulfed my senses, making my mouth water and stomach grumble.

Straight ahead, with a bright fluorescent sign, was what looked to be a small bar. From the outside, it looked nice enough. People were coming and going every second - was it really that busy? My stomach grumbled again and I groaned.

I didn’t want to wait forever for food.

I looked around the street, but there was no other food place. I slightly bit my lip, contemplating and weighing my thoughts. Before my stomach had a chance to grumble again, I made my decision.

The chiming of a bell snapped me out of my food daze. I looked around the place and my eyes widened. This place was seriously packed. As far as my eyes could see, every table was occupied. My heart dropped a little and I started to retreat.

“Hello, welcome to the Black Star!”

An extremely cheerful voice made me turn around.  

“Uh, hi…” I trail off.

In front of me, there was a girl who looked about my age - if not older. She wore a blue uniform consisting of your average shirt, skirt and apron.  

“Is there anything you wanted? I know that we’re a bit overcrowded -”

I cut her off. “Yes, I can see that… I’m just going to go.”

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