Author's Note

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Hello everyone!

We’re just in complete awe. A year ago, we didn’t think that we’d be here - finished with our very first book. It all seems surreal. We’ve always loved reading and writing; we just never thought we would work so well together.  

Even though it’s been a crazy, tear-filled, blood-filled, late night, sleep deprevating - you guys get it - experience, we couldn’t be happier with the outcome. We just can’t believe that we’ve come this far and that we’ve written so much!

Both of us never anticipated any of the bonus chapters. Once we finished the main chapters, we realized we just couldn’t let go of these characters just yet. We also realized that we wanted to delve deeper into Nash’s world.

Throughout the main chapters, we didn’t really get to know Nash that personally. But in his bonus chapters, we learn so much about him - we absolutely loved, loved writing them. The chapters were a creative outlet for us, but for you all… they were just a little something special. And we’re ecstatic that you enjoyed them.

Anyway, we both can’t thank you guys enough. It’s the best feeling when you write something that others love - the absolute best feeling. If we could, we would give each and every one of you a huge, giant hug just to express how thankful we are.

With all that said, we just wanted to thank you all again for the tremendous love and feedback you guys have given us on Reckless.

Thank you. Thank you, Thank you.

xoxo, The Aurora…


Do you guys really think we’re that evil? Well… we can be, but you guys must be crazy to believe we’d just leave this story right where it ended. This story ended in a complete cliffhanger, and we hate cliffhangers. It’s just too heartbreaking. Which is why we decided to… drum roll please…


Yes, you heard it right - a second book! Surprise!!

Endless, the second book to Reckless will be coming to Wattpad shortly. So please be sure to check our page for any upcoming news or to see if we’ve posted the sequel yet.

Sorry, not sorry, for the torture. ;)

xoxo, Ana & Gabby

Reckless (Reckless #1)Where stories live. Discover now