《chpt. 1》Gone

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I was just 3 months old at the time. We were heading home from a Christmas party. The snow, so thick, covered the roads like a blanket so beautiful but so deadly. You couldn't see farther than one car in front of you. Even then you were straining your eyes. It was a Country Road where the plows almost never came through and if they did never well enough. We were nearing our road, but the ice had a different idea.

We turned a sharp corner, one that shouldn't have been legal to make. Our cars wheels spun out. The car went spinning into the hungry white snow bank. Our car tumbled down while the snow engulfed it. The trees, an enemy, were all around us. My dad
steered the wheel trying to take control. Then a tree
popped out of nowhere. Slamming into our car. Instantly killing my dad who was driving and my mom with not much life left. My sister at the time twelve looked weak and sick. Wearily she grabbed her phone dialing 911. But was she quick enough..?

Adopted By The Youtuber Lilly SinghNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ