The Two Weeks

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A/N This going to be really short so just deal with it

Butterfly POV

Princess's dad payed the government not to send us to school for two weeks. So instead of waking up early  got to sleep in. Yesterday was the start of a big mess. Bee still loves Brass, and Brass love Bee. You could say they are meant to bee (PUNS!). All jokes aside, Bee is my family and I want her to be happy. She told me and BC of her plan, and I guess she is not the only one who feels the same apparently Breeze and Bailey feel the same. Telling us all at once who be to supious. I bet BC is telling Blossom and Bubbles now.

But why doesn't Bloom like Brock. That actually sounds stuipd. "Hey Butterfly what are you doing up this early." Bee asked coming into my room. "Thinking" I say. "You don't have to do this" she says. "Don't worry about it" I smile at her.

Buttercup POV

I went into Bubbles room, and Blossom was also their. "Hey Buttercup, what do need" Bubbles asks. I need to talk to you about something important. I explain them the plan I was told the other day. "So that's why they are here I always knew something was up" Blossom says. 

3rd Person POV (I'm gonna use it a lot)

The Puffs decided to be at the ruffs house to create the Birthday song and the parties playlist. The Puffs were just talking to the Brock and his friends while waiting for the ruffs. What little did they know Bloom was taking picture while Breeze, Bailey, and Bee, nervously made videos and posts on social media. 

Days went by with picture taking and posting. Bloom thinks that no one knows who's taking the pictures. Everyone knows who really is taking the pictures. Part of Bee's plan was to ignore it, and the Chemical Z record company didn't know what to do about it. 

They did this till Princess party.

Don't Judge a Book By It's cover (PPGZ Love Story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt