VIP: Chapter 5

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Spunky's POV:

I walked casually out of the base, feeling confident in whatever I had done to kill, or at least injure the Hoodies.

"Nice job." Guy squeezed my shoulders.

"Yeah, thanks. But how will we get back to the Pyramid?" I asked.

"Our Lightcycles are up there." Thomas pointed to the bridge.

"How are we going to get up there?" I questioned the silver and gold robots.

"Let's see what we have in the survival bag." Guy pulled out suction cups.

"Why are those in there?" Thomas asked.

"You never know what will happen." He shrugged.

"True, let's get climbing!" I cheered. I strapped the suction cups onto my Converse and climbed up the bridge. I looked down. I could only see Guy and Thomas by the sparkles of their helmets. I shuddered and looked back up.

Remember climbing the rock wall? You weren't scared then, and you shouldn't be scared now,

I told myself. The higher I climbed, the more nervous I got. What if I fell? I told myself not to think about that. As I reached the top, I ripped the suction cups off of my shoes and threw them down for Guy-Man and Thomas to catch. I could barely even see them from here. They were only shiny specks in the concrete jungle of the highway.

Around 5 minutes later, Guy made it over the barrier. Another 5 minutes and Thomas was finally here.

"Great, we're all together again. Just one question: are you guys human or robot?" I asked curiously.

"We were human, at one point, but the 9/9/99 bug blew up everything and we needed serious surgery. But they saved us, and now we're robots." Thomas shrugged.

"So that's why the ARA wants us." I nodded.

"We should get back to the Pyramid." Guy hopped on his Lightcycle.

"Um... Spunky... You can ride mine... If you want..." Thomas suggested.

"Sure!" I hopped on the Lightcycle.

We were zipping down Highway 909 like lightning bolts. When we got to the Pyramid, or at least where it should have been, it was gone!

"Wait... What?!" Guy jumped off his Lightcycle and sprinted to the empty lot.

"Where do we go now..." Thomas looked at the space where the Pyramid was just an hour ago.

"We have to survive in the concrete jungle." Guy sighed.

"Or, we could go cross country to your next show in LA!" I cheered, pointing to my Alive2017 t-shirt. On the back, it said all of the tour locations.

"Good idea, but that's tomorrow. We're in PA right now, and we can't possibly make it." Thomas stared at the concert locations.

"Well maybe... I'm out of ideas..." Guy looked across the highway.

The streetlights shined on the shimmering highway, creating the illusion that it was a river.

Suddenly, a blue circle appeared under our feet.

"What the-" I looked down.

The portal opened.




Guy's POV:

I woke up in the RAM studio for all of the music videos.

"Hey Thomas, isn't this where we made RAM?" I asked my silver friend.

"Yeah, but what the heck is THAT?!" He answered, panicked.

The RAM logo had legs, and was sprinting towards us.

"I know what to do." Spunky chucked the knife at the logo. It landed right between the two helmets. The logo exploded, sending blue sparks showing over us.

"Welcome to the ARA test. It's almost impossible. If you escape, have fun living in the concrete jungle. XOXO, the ARA." A monotone mechanical voice echoed across the "studio." The walls split and we were suddenly inside a rainbow dance floor.

"This is going to be a long test." I sighed.

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