VIP: Chapter 13

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Spunky's POV:

"Wait... Where are the Hoodies?!" Guy asked.

"We can't go back to check." Spunky sighed.

"They'll find us at one point." Guy laughed.

I heard a small rustling from somewhere behind us. Something crawled out from behind a building.

"Who's there?" I asked.

A pink robotic catlike creature sat down in front of me.

"I'm Zipper, and I have to show you something."

"Okay Zipper, what do you need?" I asked the robotic cat. It was my job to help people--- er- robots now.

"Well... That's where I'm hiding." She flicked her mechanical tail over to a small building. It had a small hole in the side of the sandy wall.

"Wait, that's the entrance?!" I looked down at the small feline.

"Yep. Only way in, only way out." She shrugged.

"Okay." I crawled through the hole. Guy and Thomas quickly followed. Inside was a nature wonderland. It was like an indoor jungle! There were waterfalls, trees covering the entire room, and even robotic animals to top it all off.

"No. Way. This is so cool!" Thomas cheered.

"Wait, how do you guys even hide in here?!" Guy asked.

"Well, the ARA can't find us because of the dense trees. It's pretty simple actually... It's like its own little ecosystem!" Zipper explained.

"This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen." I gazed up at the trees.

When I got back to school, I would have the most amazing story to tell. I'm pretty sure no one would believe it, but I would have years worth of essays that I could write about it...


"You guys can stay here. The ARA won't find you." Zipper told us.

This might just be the most awesome place I have ever been.

VIP: A Daft Punk StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora