VIP: Chapter 17

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Thomas's POV:

"What the actual heck?!" Spunky yelled.

We were all slamming random buttons in the control room of the steamboat. Turns out Zipper had no clue what to do.

Suddenly, there was a huge rumble of thunder. I was starting to think being on a boat was a terrible idea. A huge wave pushed the boat backwards.

"This was a bad idea." Spunky whispered over the roaring rapids.

"Now you realize!" Zipper hissed.

"Just stop slamming buttons and this will work." Guy said calmly.

Another huge wave sent the steamboat high into the air and crashing down.

"Is this a hurricane or something? We haven't had one in five years so I was thinking-" Spunky got cut off by another huge wave. She was tossed to the floor but got up laughing.

"Well that was... Fun." She laughed.

"Get over here, quick!" Zipper called.

We rushed onto deck.

In front of the boat was a huge wave, coming straight towards us.

"Get in the control room!" Spunky called.

I rushed in, followed by Guy and Zipper.

The wave hit.

The room went black. I'm not sure, but I think I was thrown against a wall. I couldn't see anything. I felt a spark of electricity.

"I think I'm short circuiting.." I whispered.

Spunky crawled over to me. The water level was rising.

"Zipper!" Guy called.

The pink android cat didn't answer.

"Get to the top level." Spunky said calmly, "I'll find Zipper."

I got up and sprinted to the top level. The power was still on in there. Guy burst through the door. But what happened to Zipper?

Spunky's POV:

"Zipper!" I called in the pitch-black control room. The water was rising. This was a terrible idea!

"Spunky! I'm over here!" A staticky voice called. I followed the voice. It led me to a glowing pile of sparks.

"What happened?!" I cried.

"I told you... I'll short circuit if I touch water... And I did." She whispered weakly.

"We need to get out of here." I picked Zipper up and ran out of the control room. I hurried upstairs.

"Zipper! What happened?!" Guy asked.

"If I touch water... This happens." It was easier to see her in the light. The once energetic cat was rusted and sparks were flying off of her.

"Can Mecha fix this?" Thomas whispered.

"I don't know. But we're on a sinking steamboat..." I answered.

"I can save you guys... Even if it kills me." Zipper told me.

"I'm sure I can fix-" I started.

"You can't. I can."

"Okay, what can you do?" Guy asked.

"I can get you to shore safely. But I'll die." Zipper replied.

"Don't do it... Save yourself..." Thomas sighed.

"I'd rather save you guys."

"Fine. Do it." Guy said.

"I can self destruct and blow you guys to shore."

"Okay, do it..." I shrugged.

Zipper pressed a button on her back, and a countdown started.

"Here it comes... I love you guys." Zipper whispered weakly.

And she exploded into fireworks. The pressure flung is all off the boat and onto the shore.

"She's really gone..." Thomas whispered.

I sat on the sandy ground to comprehend exactly what just happened.

Thomas sat down right beside me and hugged me tightly.

"I don't want to lose you, too..." He whispered.

I wasn't with my favorite band anymore. I was with my best friends and only hope for survival.

I hugged Thomas back.

"I don't want to lose you either." I sighed.

Guy sat down and joined the hug. For now, everything was kind of okay. It was just me, Guy, Thomas, the setting sun, and a hurricane.

VIP: A Daft Punk StoryWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu