VIP: Chapter 18

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Guy's POV:

Everything was okay, despite the fact that we were stranded in an abandoned city during a hurricane and our best friend just died.

Nothing that bad.

We were silent on our way up from the shoreline and into the city again. The hurricane winds whooshed through the spaces between perfectly aligned buildings. I looked to my left and saw Spunky doing the depressed face- again. She's pretty much a delicate little butterfly who was hurt so much that she tried to act tough, but her scorpion looks washed off and she was a butterfly again. And she should stay a butterfly. She's too nice to be anything else.

The wind suddenly threw me off balance.

"We should get inside!" I called over the wind.

"Great idea! Let's go in the treehouse!" Spunky yelled. Her light brown ponytail was whipping around in the forceful wind.

I crawled through the entrance of the indoor forest where we met Zipper. I really missed her. I opened the door to the treehouse and there was something sitting on a beanbag chair. It was some sort of CD.

"What is this?" Thomas asked, picking it up.

"It says PUT IN THOMAS'S MOUTH SLIT." Spunky laughed.

"Wait what?!" I giggled.

"Okay fine, do it." Thomas huffed.

Spunky shoved the CD into Thomas's mouth slit on his helmet. He took it off. There was a click and the visor lit up.

"Hi, it's Zipper. And if you're watching this, I'm dead."

Thomas was already crying.

The usual.

Thomas's POV:

It killed me to see Zipper on my visor. She didn't deserve to die in the hurricane, I did. I wish I could have saved her, but her firework personality was long gone and never to be here again.

The voice went on.

"I bet I died heroically, strangers who are watching this. But I doubt I did. If you are watching this, go into the back room. There is something for you there. Just remember, robots don't die, they shut off."

There was a click and Zipper was gone.

"Let's go check it out and see if Zipper left anything in the back room." Spunky said, breaking the silence. I got up and followed her into the back room. There was a light switch. I turned the lights on and saw food- and lots of it. There were also sticky notes everywhere. They all said the same thing- "Robots don't die, they shut off."

Was Zipper prepared to die? She was always so positive, but she was also very smart.

In 20 minutes, we ate a quarter of Zipper's food supply. But this is where we heard the radio, so what's happening? Maybe Zipper had more secrets than she would tell.

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