VIP: Chapter 22

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Spunky's POV:

I looked down to see dozens of Hoodies strolling around the Index, even though it was the middle of the night.

"Should we stay here until morning? The Hoodies have to leave at some point." I whispered.

"Yeah, we should." Thomas replied, "But what if we're too late?"

"As long as we find Guy's memories, we'll be okay." I shrugged.

"Alright. I'm going to get some sleep." He yawned.

"Me too." I answered.

And soon enough, I was asleep.

Thomas's POV:

I woke up in the freezing air vents to find Spunky snuggled against me. Just more proof that she reminded me of a kitten.

"Hey, wake up..." I whispered.

"Huh?! Oh hi-" She sat up quickly.

"Should we go into the Index?" I asked, taking off my silver helmet.

"Sure. There aren't any Hoodies around." She laughed.

I popped the grate open. It was a 10-foot drop to the ground, but I quickly covered that easily. Spunky and I landed on the chromed ground with a soft thump.

"Welcome to the Index. What are you looking for?" A voice asked from the gem.

"Um, nothing really..." Spunky answered.

"Okay. Have fun!" The voice clicked.

All around us were towering shelves of drawers and letters.

"We need to find Guy-Man." I whispered.

Spunky nodded. I spotted a giant G hanging from the high ceiling and ran over to the shelves under it. I found the drawer that said Guy-Manuel De Homem-Christo on it. I opened it and all that was inside was a jar. Inside this jar were all of his memories, thoughts, and things he's said.

"You have to see this..." I called.

Spunky came running over.

"So this is what they stole from him when they turned him into a Hoodie?" She asked.

"Yep. This is all of his information." I replied.

Guy's POV:

I woke up wearing a jacket just like the others. I marched in straight lines with the others. I was one of the others. Yet I still didn't know who or where I was. The only key to my past was that I had a golden cast on my right ankle. That was important. Who was I? Where am I? Who am I now? I had no answers. My mouth was still duct-taped shut. I couldn't ask for answers while the others talked. I was different. Instead of the bright-orange jackets that the others wore, mine was gold. Was that a part of my past? Why was everything gold? Inside the jacket, I was wearing some sort of helmet. What was that? Now I had to walk in a straight line with the others. I didn't know where we were going. I only knew to stay in line. We marched into the big silver room called the Index. When we walked in, I saw a guy with a silver helmet like I was wearing under my jacket. Next to him was a girl with light brown hair who looked like she was ready to fight. Somehow these people/robots looked familiar. But I had to stay in line. They walked over to me with a jar.

"Don't worry, we're not here to hurt you." The girl smiled and lowered my hood. I was able to rip the duct tape off of my mouth but I didn't take off my helmet.

"This is you." The silver helmeted man said kindly. He showed me the jar.

"M-Me?!" I stammered.

"Yep, that's you! Do you remember us?" The girl asked.

"Yes... Maybe. Do I know you guys?!" I asked.

"First, what's your name?" The silver helmeted guy asked. I think I know his name. It's Thomas, I'm pretty sure.

"I don't know." I answered.

"Should we open the jar?" Thomas asked the girl. I don't know her name yet.

"Yeah," She answered.

He twisted the lid of the jar and I recognized the memories and my thoughts immediately.

"My name is Guy-Man." I answered, "And you are Thomas and Spunky!"

My jacket dropped to the ground. I was no longer a Hoodie!

"You got that right." Spunky smiled and hugged me.

Suddenly, sirens started blasting.

And this time, they didn't stop.

"Bad decision making skills 101..." Spunky sighed as Machos filled the Index. There was only one exit.

The air vents!

Spunky's POV:

It was a good decision to climb the crystal in the Index. The floating gem gave me a way to get to the vent. I clung to the slippery surface as it bobbed up and down.

I had to jump. So, I did. I leapt through the air and caught the grate hanging down into the chromed room. I crawled into the vent. There was only one thing left to do. I slammed against the vent wall as hard as I could and sent the entire thing crashing to the floor. I hoped I killed some of the MachoHoodies. But I could only hope. And my friends were down there...

Once again, bad decision making skills. I landed on the ground, surrounded by chunks of the metal vent.

"Everyone okay?" I asked over the sound of the vents collapsing.

"Yeah, I'm good." Guy stumbled over to me, his cast weighing him down.

"Where's Thomas?!" I asked, brushing dust off my slightly damaged t-shirt.

I looked around the room until I found him under the crystal. He was being crushed by the red gem's gigantic weight.

"A little help here?" He laughed.

"A little." I rolled my eyes and shoved the giant crystal off of Thomas.

But that wasn't it.

Hoodies and other ARA reps were filling the room...

VIP: A Daft Punk StoryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt