VIP: Chapter 16

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Thomas's POV:

Of course Spunky didn't like me back. I'm not sure if she was just stressed, or if she really didn't like me back. I should probably tell her that I...

Ship it.

And I'm half of her favorite band, so she likes me, but she probably doesn't "like like" me.

Enough with the drama, back to reality.

I walked up to the treehouse with Spunky, Guy, and Zipper. As we entered, I realized that there was a door in the back.

"I'm gonna go check something out, anyone wanna come?" I asked.

"Sure!" Spunky followed me.

I walked in and heard something staticky in the dark closet-like space.

"They won't see us waiting from such great heights, come down now... They'll say... But everything looks perfect from far away, come down now..." It reduced to static and turned off, never to be heard again.

"Hey, I know this song! It kinda reminds me of you... Because of all the tree falling. It's called Such Great Heights, by The Postal Service." Spunky sighed.

"I think I like it. Just like I like you." I laughed.

"You like me?! Like, 'like like?!'"

"Yes, and I always will."

Spunky's POV:

Wow. I had no clue that Thomas had a crush on me. I'm not crushing on anyone at the moment, and I don't want to. Too much drama for me. Also, I've become immune to crushes. I've always been too let down when they try to get as far from me as they can. I guess I do look like a potato compared to all the girls on Instagram and Tumblr. And if any guys have crushes on me...

I don't like them back.

I collapsed on a beanbag chair in the main room.

"So what should we do?" Thomas asked.

"I don't know, just don't fall out of a tree again." Guy laughed.

"I don't plan on doing that again." I giggled.

"We can just hang out here for a while..." Thomas suggested.

"Let's build a pillow fort!" I cheered.

5 minutes later, I was half crushed underneath a pile of beanbag chairs.

"Hey! Get off of me!" I laughed and pushed the pile of beanbags off of myself.

Thomas giggled.

Zipper's ears perked up.

"There's a storm coming. We have to get out of the city." She directed.

"Wait, what?!" I sat up.

"Grab what you need, let's go."

I ran across the room and picked up my knife. I tossed Thomas his helmet.

"It's go time." Guy ordered.

We headed out of the indoor forest, and in the sky was the darkest cloud I've ever seen.

"What the actual heck." I looked up.

"That's why we need to get out of here!" Zipper laughed.

"Should we find the dogs?" I asked.

"Nah, they're okay." Thomas shrugged.

It felt like midnight in the city.

We walked until the badly paved roads reduced to scraggly grass. Past that was a river, with a huge steamboat in the middle, lazily cruising downstream.

"We need to get to that." I gazed at the river.

"But if I touch water, I'll short circuit!" Zipper cried.

"Yeah. Same here." Guy shrugged.

"Okay then... I'm a swimmer. I'll get to the boat if you guys can't." I said.

"But what about us?" Thomas sighed.

"I don't know. But we're running out of time." I looked down.

I couldn't just let my friends down like this.

This is why I'm a bad leader.

The cloud covered the entire sky.

I had to do this.

I dove into the river. I didn't expect it to be so cold! I tensed up underwater and started swimming as fast as I could towards the steamboat. All those years of swim team really paid off, even though my coaches were total jerks. I finally reached the boat and grasped the side. I pulled myself onto the deck. It was abandoned, like everything else in the city. I made it to the control room. I had no clue what any of the flashing buttons meant, but I saw a steering wheel and that's all that mattered. To my surprise, I was able to get the boat to shore.

"Great job!" Zipper called as she hopped on board. Guy and Thomas quickly followed her.

"Okay, where to?" I asked.

"Far away from here." Guy ordered.

"I have no clue how to control a boat. That was just luck." I sighed.

"I got it!" Zipper rushed to the control room.

And once again,








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