Chapter 2

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Poseidon was sitting there, in front of Thalassa, watching his plate in silence. To his left, with a last-minute call, was Amphitrite, also very stoic.

Pontus, on the other hand, was sitting on his right, eating with a frown and swallowing his food in silence.

Safe to say, Thalassa took matter into her own hands, again.

"So, tell us Poseidon..." Thalassa started, noticing how stiff Poseidon turned and the frown in Amphitrite's face. "What exactly happened that made you seek our help?" Poseidon swallowed hard before looking up at his hostess.

"As you all know, Gaea couldn't be defeated and we were holding a ceremony, honoring the demigods that survived." Poseidon began, slowly. Thalassa nodded, making him continue. "When it was the turn of my son, Percy, Zeus decided to make him a god... again-"

"As if the brat needed the same proposition twice..." Amphitrite muttered to herself, but Thalassa heard it. She'll deal with her later.

"What do you mean 'again'?" Pontus asked, clearly curious about that. Thalassa patted herself on her back mentally because of this progress.

"A few years back, Zeus offered Percy immortality and Percy declined it..." Poseidon stated, proud of his son. "Anyway, he didn't have any reason to deny this time, so he accepted. The Fates walked in and began naming what he would be god of when Ananke showed up..."

"She always had a thing for the theatrics..." Pontus commented. Thalassa nodded again.

"She said the Fates were making a mistake, choosing what Percy would be god of... She named him god of some other stuff, but Atropos didn't like it. Lachesis and Clotho seemed scared of Atropos. Ananke left and we started a party..."

"Must have been one great party!" Thalassa pipped in, smirking, though it disappeared when Poseidon looked at her.

"Percy began screaming and move around, in pain, and there was nothing we could do to help..." The pain in Poseidon's voice was evident. Thalassa offered him her hand in support and he took it. "Ares started to mouth off him and all I saw was red! I fought him, while the rest took care of Percy... I knew it was wrong, but I couldn't help myself!"

"That's something I know Pontus would do for any of our kids..." Thalassa gave Pontus a warm smile that Pontus replied while holding her hand. Amphitrite, seen by Thalassa's glance, was staring at the situation, kind of shocked. "Anyway, what happened later?"

"Ananke showed up again and made Percy's new powers dormant..." It was obvious the relief in Poseidon's face.

"That's Ananke to you! Saving people!" Pontus pointed out, smirking. Thalassa nodded in agreement. "Alright, I think is time for our part of the deal..." Before Pontus could explain what he knew, a Nereid walked into the dining room, bowing her head.

"Lord Pontus, Lady Thalassa, I'm sorry to disturb your dinner, but you have unexpected guests that demands to be greeted by you..." The Nereid explained, all with her head down. Pontus shared a look with Thalassa that expressed the same: 'we weren't expecting anyone else'.

"Alright, let them in." Pontus decided, nodding at the Nereid, who bowed and swam away before two other deities took her place. Immediately, Poseidon and Amphitrite rose up, serious and frowning. Obviously, the unexpected guests weren't expecting this either.

"Oceanus..." Poseidon growled the newcomer's name. "What in name of Hades are you doing here?!"

"I should be asking you the same, Poseidon..." Oceanus answered back, the same way. Tethys, hanging from Oceanus' arm, was totally forgotten and she looked pretty uncomfortable. As always, Thalassa used her hostess' abilities.

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