Chapter 5

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Sally was eying her new guests across the table, while Percy was sat next to her. It was kind of surreal for her to have immortal beings for breakfast, as whenever Poseidon drops by, he never stays for meals... not even a damn coffee! He makes her feel a bad hostess!

"I must say, Sally, that yours is the best meal I had in a long time..." Moros praised her, politely, which is still a shock for gentle Sally. She knew they hated to be compared to the Olympians, but sometimes, she cannot help herself to do it.

"Why, thank you, MiLord Moros..."

"Told you, Mom! Your food is the best!" Percy added, though Sally wanted to chastised him for speaking with his mouth full of blue pancakes.

"Young man, have some respect for your mother's work and swallow before speaking!" Percy swallowed, more because he was surprised by Akhlys' outburst against him than by fear of her.

"Thank you... He's normally more polite than this..." Sally defended her son, stroking his hair. Percy had the dignity of blushing in embarrassment, as if what his mother said was true. Which it was.

"It's refreshing to know that sometimes, someone will listen to their family's advices and stuff..." Moros pointed out, sipping his cup of coffee. "I just wish we could be considered more into the arguments and take our points of view-"

"But, NOOO!" Akhlys interrupted Moros, who sighed and allowed her. "Misery and Doom are only wanted when someone is planning to do a bad thing!" She protested, frowning. "Can they see we try to help as well?! We may be the Primordials for that but that doesn't mean that we take pleasure of representing that!! It was seriously arranged Russian Roulette!!" She screamed, at the top of her lungs, obviously mad at how things turned up.

"It's OK, honey..." Moros tried to relax her, before she made an explosion in the middle of the Jackson's kitchen. "You know, and I know it was unfair, but we have the opportunity to make something good out of it..."

"Oh, because it took us the Gods know how many millenniums to reach that!!" She spatted, not angry at Moros, but at the situation. "And then, Ananke goes around, proclaiming that she's the heroine of the story and that she knows how to save everyone, blah, blah, blah, blah!" She did a gesture with her hand, indicating that she was talking nonsense.

"Hey! I resent that!!" A voice was heard behind them, making Percy quickly get into battle position and place his mother behind him for protection. No way he was gonna have his new sibling getting killed.

"Oh, it's only you!" Percy growled, as he clearly took a better look at Ananke, who had appeared sitting on his couch. "Don't do that on a mortal house!!"

"'It's only me'?" She repeated, slightly offended. "Great to know how much consideration you have of me, Percy..."

"It's my Mom's house!! And she's pregnant, for Christ' sake! She could had a miscarriage!!" Percy accused her and, instead of showing a worried look like Akhlys or Moros was doing, Anake simply rolled her eyes and waved her hand.

"The baby is fine... Most likely would be following you into troubles... Then, it'll be your head rolling if something happened!!" Akhlys still was marveled at Ananke's ability to turn everything around her and make it look like it wasn't her fault.

"Ananke, young Percy is right and his mother could had a shock that could cause it-"

"But, it didn't!!"

"My point is, don't risk it again, little sister." She added at the end, knowing that would make her mad.

"How dare you!! I'm older than you!! Take it back!!" Before Akhlys could reply with whatever she had in mind, Moros interfered.

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