Chapter 13

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The second young Procella saw that her Mother Gaea was away, she poked her brothers.

Both, Vouno and Kethas were opposite of the spectrum and she was in the middle. But, since everyone around was treating them as babies, Procella thought it was time for them to be as old as they wanted to be. But, for the sake of the spying eye, she kept her appearance as a baby.

"What do you want?" Vouno grunted at her. It was obvious that he either was taking a nap or he was happy in his silence. Procella flipped her blueish black hair and frown. "You're gonna get us in troubles..."

"Well, I'm tired of being a baby and I want to be a teenager and I want to go out!" Procella spoke in one breath. "I am the Goddess of Dreams and I haven't fulfill any of them yet!" She complained, making a pout. Vouno rolled his eyes at her and went back to his business. "C'mon, Vouno... Where is your sense of mischef-"

"I'm the God of Trickery, not Mischef!"

"You say potatO, I say potAto..." She rolled her eyes at him. "The point still remains." Kethas, that had been listening to the conversation, but was drawing something (the whole 'still being babies just in case someone comes in' was a good cover) soon joined the argument.

"Well, I, for one, want to see the stars..." He sighed, in a dreamy tone. Procella smirked at it. "I cannot be the God of the Stars if I had never seen a starry night! I mean, makes no sense to be named after something that I've never-"

"Alright, alright! You guys win!" Vouno stopped them, making Procella smirk in victory. Kethas was even annoying with his clapping and smile. It was really infuriating Vouno. "You two exist to annoy me..."

"If you resent our existence, go complain to Father, Vouno." Procella shrugged, not really caring about it. Ouranos hadn't been around the kids as much as the mothers and only a few males had been around them, like Erebus. He had taken his duty as 'foster father' very seriously and he seemed to even enjoy it.

"Whenever he is not busy planning to take over the world, believe me I will." Vouno promised, watching his sister change her appearance, from a toddler to a grown up teenager. Her baby fat around her face disappeared, making her face more angular and delicated. Her blueish black hair went down her back and up to her waist. Her eyes were round and blueish gray with a green ring around them, complementing her pale ivory skin very good. Her clothes' choice were a simple pair of jeans and a tight shirt that showed off, to her brothers' dismays, her attributes.

Kethas showed his exciment, following Procella's transformation. He himself decided to be taller than his sister, and lean, not buff. His blue cold eyes gave away the impression of a mysterious party boy and he was something he was going to exploit on his side. After hearing several stories about how to have some fun with mortals, Kethas was going to experience it, no matter what his siblings said. His face acquire a square jaw and furry brows, along with long hair. Just like his sister, he decided in something simple but revealing in clothes, like jeans and shirt.

Vouno, the gloomier of the trio, chose the same type of clothes, except for the detail that he wasn't showing off anything in his new body. He wanted to feel comfortable and casual and, in case they had to run from problems, practical. He decided to have a little round face, and hid his gorgeous yellow lightning eyes behind glasses. Unlike his brother, Vouno decided to be muscly and bigger. He didn't need to have experiences with mortals, as his main game was to cause trickery and have fun with it. Sure, he could fool around with them, but he didn't think it could lead that far.

"Alright!" Procella squeked, her voice a little higher than before. "We better leave before someone finds out that we changed and left!"

"With our mothers planning father's downfall for tricking them, I think is safe to say we have a while..." Vouno's new and deep voice, predicted. Procella, somehow, was already feeling the teenager hormones running free on her body and was trying to stop them before jumping her brother.

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