Chapter 12

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It sound like a line coming out of a movie, but Eros felt his 'Spidey senses' activating.

Sure, coming from a guy that is always looking around and totally being bothered by new expression of love, some gods would wonder how he hasn't gone insane. Some others would say he was already insane and that he doesn't inspire true love, more like a toxic feeling. Other would think, how the Hades his wife fell in love with him?!

But none of those thoughts bother Eros at the moment.

He was feeling like two of the most powerful forces in the world were aligning and bending their broken hearts. His specialty.

Like many other gods around, Eros was always misunderstood. No one could understand his version of love, more raw and more wild than the one spread by his mother (was she even his mother?) Aphrodite. Her was a pink bubble everyone wants to live. Erosis, Primordial God of Love, had an even stranger way of love. The cold practicality combined with the joyful ambience, while he, Eros, was the reality no one wants to heard about.

Eros followed this current of hatred mixed with revenge that was coming his way. He left his wife alone, not even telling her where he was going, but she doesn't ask by now. The current leaded him straight to two entities whispering and talking very close to each other.

"We could...?" One of them would ask, while the other one simply shake the head.

"Tried that already. He'd see it coming..." The other one would explain, before saying one of its own. "How about...?"

"No, seems a little flawless, don't you think?"

The more Eros got closer, the more he could feel the power irradiate from this two entities. These weren't simply mortals or mighty gods, no. This were primordials, mothers of many of the creatures around, including himself, in a way. It was such a weird event he was presenting he didn't want to be left out. Nyx and Gaea would never see eye to eye again and he wants in. Smirking, he got closer and made himself announced.

"Ladies, looks like you need a little help... And I'm more than willing to do that..."

~oOo~ ~oOo~

The figure headed straight to the Citadel of Summer. Ayola could feel the presence and was jumping up and down, excited. Damia couldn't understand why her Lady was acting that way, but kept her opinions to herself. Though, she did have a saying with the party Milady Ayola was making for the guest. The happiness was contagious, but she knew their guest wasn't a very party-person.

"Is Milady sure-?"

"Of course I'm sure, Damia!" Ayola stated, her bubbly personality showing up. "We may have lost the first round, but I'm sure our guest will help us raise and win!"

"If you say so, Milady..." Damia replied, not wanting to argue with her. Soon, the figure became more and more clear, shaping into a male. Someone that Damia hasn't seen in millenniums.

"Theros..." She mumbled when she saw clearly who was it. Theros had sandy, wind-swept hair, with a lithe build, and chiseled features. His ocean blue eyes were accompanied by dark, thick eyelashes, plump lips, and tanned, golden skin.

"So?! Is this party gonna start soon or what?!"


Khione had little time for parties.

Besides, her castle, the Frozen Tomb, wasn't known for throwing the best parties. No, that was a title that he gladly leave to any of her cousins. Maybe Ayola will win without any competition. Her bubbly personality was too much sometimes...

"Milady, sorry to interrupt-"

"As always, Eirene, you better have a good reason for interrupting me..." Khione's threat was left hanging but Eirene needed no more. She knows what happens when someone doesn't obey an order from the Goddess of Winter.

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