Chapter 11

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Aphrodite, while standing or sitting still, could be called by hordes of mortals as the most beautiful view that ever existed. If mortals stayed long enough to see said view move, they would shower her with gifts and prays of how her beauty changed their lives and how they will like to please her. Normally, the Goddess of Beauty would be delighted with those ideas.

But not today.

If said mortals could be able to see her face, the frown that adorned her face, the wrinkles that were forming between her multicolor and ever changing eyes, the pout that formed those lips that had melted and conquered mortals and gods alike, they would think something was bothering the very existence of said Goddess. And they wouldn't be far from the truth.

Granted, Aphrodite knew she wasn't like Athena, overthinking every single detail of every single moment. Whenever she had a plan, she liked to swing it and try to get her way, though she always got her way at the end. But, she was a thinking goddess at the moment. No, she wasn't figuring how to conquer something or get an advantage.

She was trying to pick sides in the upcoming or forming war.

Again, granted. Aphrodite wasn't, isn't and will never be a warrior goddess. Not that she wants to be like that, anyway. But whatever she decides, will affect her future between either her fellow Council members or the rebel Primordials. Before the encounter with Ouranos, Aphrodite had her position very well decided. The aftermath, however, filled her with doubts.

One thing that Ouranos had told her was absolutely true: she was his daughter, whether she liked it or not. She was her blood, literally. Yes, Zeus found her and made her part of the Council and married her to his son, Hephaestus- a bad decision, from whatever you see it at the end... and her rebellious attitude about it didn't help much about it. They received her with open arms- some of them, obviously -and so far, hadn't throw it on her face.

Mortals had a saying, 'blood is thicker than water', meaning that family should always support each other. And that was the crux of Aphrodite's problem. And she could not go to ask for advice, as no one will understand what she was feeling at the moment. Sure, they could listen and give their opinion- with a not very subtle 'you should support us' -but that was it.

Trying to look for the pros and cons of every faction of the war, Aphrodite realized that none of the sides was very appealing to her. Each side will gloat and try to show its superiority to the defeat side, no matter what. That wasn't what she needed... What she needed...

She didn't want to fight. That was clear. She will have to, if she choose sides. But, if there was a way to avoid confrontation and help at the same time...?

Looks like she had to take a very Athena-way... Research, compare and decide.

It was gonna be a long afternoon...


Kronos raised from the pile that were his siblings- brothers -with a smirk and full of scratches and ichor dripping from his body.

Kronos looked around, hoping to see Rhea and brag his latest victory, only to notice that she wasn't there anymore. Only Python was there, as the rest of the Titaness probably got bored or tired of watching the others fight for meaningless things. This infuriated Kronos even more. How was he suppose to prove that he was the best one to be their leader if everyone left?!

"They got feeeeed up with your bragging..." Python hissed at Kronos, who was still trying to comprehend what had happening to his audience. "More important thiiingssss were happening..." He abstained, however, to mention he did also had important thinngs to do than watching Titans fighting against each other.

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