Chapter 22

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Ouranos could feel the victory in the air.

No pun, he could feel it.

After he had eliminated the biggest competition inside his own camp, Ouranos thought it was no time like the present to use his newly acquire powers (had Gaea or Nyx known from where those powers came from, powers or not he would had turned into a very thin dust and spread around the universe with no one wiser about it) before they ran out.

Of course, Ouranos assumed they would never ran out.

He himself had taken down half the armies of the Titans, while the other half had been taken down by the Olympians. As weak as he thought them to be, he recognized that they were great fighters. Plus, allowing the enemy to do the job for you so you won't be so tired was a great estrategy. He was planning on taking advantage of that.

He had seen as Demeter, crops-caretaker sweet Demeter had grabbed her own scythe and decapitated both Kronos and Krios in the process, after those two had done the same to Athena's best friend, Pallas, and wounded Hephaestus mortally. The hatred in Demeter's eyes was a surprise for Ouranos, maybe he could offer her some position under his command...

Koios, another of his Titan sons, had gone by Artemis' hand. She, however, was getting a little revenge as 3 of her brother's Muses (Ouranos refused to ever learn their names) were killed by Koios' hand. The Goddess of the Hunt was hunting and nothing was stopping her from her path. And currently, Atlas' daughter, Calypso, was her target.

The one surprising Ouranos was the Styx nymph. She was scolding Iapetus while stabbing him about second chances and how he ruined the one he was granted by Perseus Jackson. Of course, her rant was a little hidden between the amount of noises the weapons were making.

The Olympians were decimating the Titans' force and they were getting tired. Ouranos himself had walked around, fighting the remaining gods on and off. When he would hurt someone greatly, another one would appear to distract him while the wounded one flashed away. Probably to the little tent Tethys had pulled up. He grumbled about that, annoyed that he could not take care of that.

He himself had slashed one of Hades' eyes away, while Zeus had one arm left. Hades had been reached by several monsters and looked like he had walked through a field of thorns, bleeding around. He lost sight of the others, as Ares and Athena were making a great mayhem somewhere.

Deciding to finish this war on his favor while showing his superiority, Ouranos thought it was time to unleash some of his new power. Concentrating, he called the air to him, he could feel the space and air crawling around him, almost making a whirlwind. No one was aware of this (except Gaea, who was facing his back, and grabbed Nyx to duck. Watching this, Ouranos' army did the same a second later), which was perfect for him.

The whoosh of air knocked everyone down.

Someone were knocked unconscious, other simply groaned in pain, but it was impossible to get up and keep fighting. But they all had some sort of wound. And, being a normal villan, Ouranos couldn't resist to address his public.

"I have won!! You have felt my power!" He shouted, raising his hand in victory. "Kneel before me or die!" He could see the fear and desperation in their eyes. He kept on smirking, walking towards Zeus, who was the biggest threat in the battlefield (that he was considering). "Stop fighting the inevitable death and surrender... I am you new leader now..."

"Famous last words."

~oOo~ ~oOo~

Even weak, Kethas could hear a war was happening.

He thought he was in his room, in his bed, so he was very surprised to find himself on a different bed, but in a big white tent. Deities were rushing from one side to the other and he could also feel the presence of his siblings right besides him. Looking to the side, he saw a couple of goddesses who looked torn between being angry and being ashamed. Plus, two that were frozen in ice-cubes.

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