Chapter 6

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She sat. She waited. She was. Terra smiled serenely, her crystal gauntlets gleaming in the brilliant sunlight. The pure gauntlets hummed with mystic power the name Dawn engraved in Latin-Greek-Roman on the left gauntlet. In the right gauntlet was the name Dusk engraved in Latin-Greek-Roman. Her strapless corset shined green, her silken gown flowing freely with a thigh slit. Her blonde, wavy hair held up in an elaborate braid. On both of the gauntlets, sat a large, Green Tourmaline, Terra/Gaea's holy gem.

Caelus sniffled, his muscle shirt pristine, his gleaming abs evident. His cropped, sexily tousled white as a cloud hair was shaved on the left side. His three arms twitched, Sunbeam, Starbeam and Moonbeam, his three weapons, oozed power. The sword that was Sunbeam was a Falcata made out of a golden variant of Sun Steele. Starbeam was a Gladius, made out of an ever changing color metal known as Star Iron, while Moonbeam was a Cinqueda dagger, crafted from a silver variant of Moon Copper. Despite the differences, all three blades had an Opal, Caelus/Ouranos's holy gem.

Nox giggled hysterically, the two were so amusing. Her lush white-black hair fell down in swirling locks of ivory and ebony. Her mermaid cut dress smooth, black with dots of white. Her ivory skin glowed softly, as she held her whip, purple flames licking it. Strapped onto her back was a Warhammer of white and black, white dots on the black, and black dots on the white. Purple flame designs were etched into the head of the hammer, a Sugilite gem imbedded, her holy gem gleaming. Her eyes constantly changed, as constellations were visible on her dress, a few suns, moons and other celestial things visible.

A large boom was heard, as Jupiter and the other Olympians appeared. Terra and Caelus stood, as Nox rolled her eyes, Jupiter was always so theatrical!

Jupiter's tall, broad shouldered body gleamed a strong tan, his thick, black hair smoothened and glistening. His swirling golden armor formed intricate designs, his master bolt in hand, the cylindrical bolt humming yellow, the blue sapphires studded across it beating rapidly. The Sapphires, the holy gem of Jupiter/Zeus, were freshly polished. His armor covered only his most vital areas, his 'southern region', neck, forearms, kneecaps to ankle, covering his feet. The rest of his body was bare, his muscles flexing and tensing for battle. His yellow-blue-gray eyes pulsed.

Juno, on the other hand, was completely covered in battle armor, a cape of peacock feathers flowing regally. A golden diadem pulled back her long, luscious and rich black hair. Her long staff, tipped with a cluster of Pearls, the holy gem of Juno/Hera. Her green eyes were quite vivid, her high cheekbones giving her a proud aura.

Neptune's blue-green-gray armor changed like the sea, his holy gem of a Lapis Lazuli imbedded in his trident. His long blueish gray hair fell down, held back by his helmet. His muscles were lean, yet defined, the armor coating him from foot to mid-thigh, a silky water like cloth covering his torso, while his armor coated his arms to his shoulders. The jaggedness of the helmet made it look like a Kraken, his stormy eyes blazing.

Venus rolled her eyes, rubbing her ruby-rose quartz gemstone necklace, her lips a full, plump, pink color. She had, perhaps the least-protective armor of all. Reddish-pink armor covered her upper torso, barely, leaving some cleavage shown, all of her back, her hips to mid-thigh and special high heels that went to mid-calf. Her bare midriff had a dove tattoo with a heart emblazoned across it. Her arms only armor went from her wrist to mid forearm, not even covering her hands. Venus's pink-blonde hair fell down in semi-wavy locks. Her bangs covered one eye, mostly, though you could see the color of that eye, which was fuschia pink. Her other eye was dark red-pink. The ruby-rose gemstone was also in between her breasts on her armor, and on her back.

Mars struggled, before finally accepting himself as Mars, his bronze armor coating his entire body. His strong muscles flexed, his spear gleaming with a Bloodstone gem, a few Garnets littering it. His muscles were masked, his brown hair hidden underneath his boar-like helmet, his fiery eyes ready for blood. Mars curled a protective arm around Venus, to Vulcan's dismay.

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