Chapter 14

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Ouranos knew something was wrong.

He couldn't put his finger on it, but something was wrong. He hated to feel that something it was wrong... he was the Primordial of the Sky, for Chaos' sake! He shouldn't fear anything! Yet, deep inside his mind, he knew he was going to be in troubles with both Gaea and Nyx. The little trick that he played with both Primordials could only end in disaster if he didn't take the necessary preparations.

But now, he had to figure out what was wrong!

He walked around his newly created palace, where both Nyx and Gaea had been taken to look after the new heirs. Erubus had moved too, claiming that he could help, but Ouranos feared that Erebus was planning on battle him. Ouranos knew that Erebus, unlike Nyx or Gaea, or even himself, was patience and would bid the time if necessary. He had no problem waiting for years before striking. The problem was that, when struk, he struk.

A few minutes passed before Ouranos discovered a small difference in his palace. He had to stop himself to check, but his suspicious came true: the house was too silent. Since the birth of the triplets, the house was full of noise and screams and crying. Now, it was pure silence. Frowning, he headed to the triplets playroom, only to be intercepted by both Nyx and Gaea.

Looks like the ladies were in agreement today.

"Where are they?!" Gaea demanded to him, a growl leaving her lips. Ouranos knew that, once upon a time, that growl would had scared half the world and himself. Now, not so much. "What did you do with them?!" She looked ready to launch at him and tear up in tiny pieces, but Nyx stopped her, her eyes colder than the night.

"Gaea, think for a second!" Nyx scolded her, her voice as cold as her eyes. "Tearing him apart won't give solutions in the short term!" Gaea was panting and still glaring at him, but Ouranos managed to look unbothered. However, he was seriously wondering what had happened. "Ouranos, where are the kids?"

"I assumed they were with you." Ouranos admitted, frowning as well. Nyx rasied an eyebrow, but didn't question him further. "I was about to check on them, as I heard too much silence around here..."

"We were alerted by that as well, but we assumed they were napping, until now." Nyx agreed, not dropping the frown. "I assume you will find them and punish whoever managed to kidnap the heirs of the Sky before we do..." Though true the statement, Ouranos realized that Nyx used that 'honorific' title to reinforce the responsibility in Ouranos' brain. Besides, if Gaea and Nyx combined powers, no one would be safe and he wanted to rule the world!

"Don't worry. I will make sure whoever kidnapped them suffer..."

~oOo~ ~oOo~

After explaining the situation to the newcomer second-in-command, Khione left Eirene in charge of The Frozen Tomb and took Cheimon to the battlefield. They had chosen a neutral territory, one that couldn't be controlled by their powers. Khione was all for setting the battle somewhere in the north of Russia, but Cheimon suggested with an 'even' territory, so no one could dispute her win.

Hence why they were in Dionysus' Garden, in Olympus.

Cheimon had surprised Khione with a cold and calculated plan, a plan that the goddess of snow was very eager to put in practice. Of course, the plan would give her the absolute victory, without counting Kore's input whatsoever. Khione didn't care if Kore was able to defeat Ayola, but she knew that the first try hadn't been successful for any of them. And Khione didn't give many second chances.

Just like his Lady, Cheimon was holding a blade shield on his side, appearing nonchalant upon the situation, but he had every single move calculated. There was no time for errors. He fully knew that Lady Khione didn't let live for very long to those who failed her. As planned, Kore and her second-in-command, the always peaceful Eiar, arrived.

Rise of Ouranos (ReWrite)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя