Before The Exam

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Once everyone was seated in the UA examination hall the lights had magically turned on, one by one as rock music began to play in the background.

"What's up UA candidates, thanks for tuning in to me! Your school DJ. Come on and let me hear ya!" A man around his thirties shouted who was also known as the pro hero, Present Mic. Unfortunately, he was only greeted with silence as the candidates either looked at him weirdly, yawned or was planning a strategy plan to win.

"Keeping it mellow huh? That's fine, I'll skip straight to the main show..." He said with shaking arms as he hadn't expected that type of reaction from them.

"Let's talk about how this practical exam is gonna go down okay?" He continued on as he did a strange rock n roll hand gesture as he said his next sentence.

"Are you ready?!!!!! Yeah!"

But he was greeted with silence once more as only music and a green haired boy also known as Izuku Midoriya's muttering could be heard playing in the background.

"Oh my goodness it's the pro hero Present Mic! He's so cool! I listen to his radio shows every day of the week. It's so crazy that all the UA teachers are pro heroes."

Accompanied by a "Would you just shut up." from the person next to him also known as Katsuki Bakugou.

"This is a waste of time..." Nura sighed as he was sat on the edge of one of the seats, no one sat next to him, fearing for their life.

"This should be exciting!" Another one of the candidates declared as he sat one chair away from Nura.

He was wearing a normal white collared shirt that said 'I Love Animals' along with long black pants to accompany the look. Below his eyes were tribal markings that he got from his family, he had scruffy brown hair and a shark tooth grin.

"The name's Kazumi Genji! But people call me Genji, and you are?" The boy asked as he motioned to Nura who looked at him with disinterest.

"None of your business, now get lost before I kill you." Was Nura's blunt reply to the now saddened Genji.

"Like your application said, today you rocking boys and girls will be out there conducting two minute mock battles in a super big urban city!" Present Mic shouted excited as the screen changed into a 'You are here' sign before lines followed to 7 different zones.

"You're joints my friend. After I drop the mic here, you'll head to your specified battle centers, you have now!" He continued as he was still greeted with silence as everyone looked at the sheet of paper they got containing their battle centers.

"Okay????" He ended aas everyone looked at each other some glad and others disappointed that they couldn't work with each other.

"Okay, okay let's check out your targets, there are three types of villains at every center, you'll earn points based on their level of difficulty, so better choose wisely. Your goal in this trial is to use your quirk to raise points by shredding the bots like a guitar solo! But check it, make sure you're keeping things heroic, attacking other examinees is a UA no no, you dig?" Present Mic asked as a student from a school stood up.

"Excuse me sir but I have a question."

This man was Iida Tenya, born and raised in a house filled with pro heroes he has decided to become one as well.

"Hit me!" Present Mic ordered as the light turned on on the standing student, giving him the spotlight.

"On the printout, you've listened four type of villains not three. With all respect if this was an error in UA materials, it is shameful. We are exemplary students, we expect the best from Japan's most notable school, a mistake such as this won't do." Iida inquired as he then pointed to Izuku.

"Wow... someone's a showoff." The same headphone user guy from before said smirking. He was wearing a colourful jacket along with a pair of jeans and headphones that rested on his shoulders. He had bandaged covering the top part of his nose and bandages on either side of his cheek. This man is also known as Ichigo Hideaki, with the quirk of memory expansion, he has been said to take out twenty people at once just by striking them with his magic.

"I heard that!" Iida shouted accusingly at Ichigo who just smirked and waved at him.

"Besides that, you with the messy hair!" He continued once again pointing at Izuku who looked dumbfounded.

"You've been muttering this entire time. Stop that, if you can't bother to take this seriously leave, you're distracting the rest of us." He finished as Izuku covered his mouth and muttered an apology, as some people laughed at the event that had just happened.

"Don't listen to them." The girl beside Izuku said smiling as she flicked her long brown hair away from her face.

"Here have some water to drink before the exam." She smiled as she took her suitcase and took out a water bottle out of it.

"Oh, thank you, very much." Izuku mumbled flustered at the sudden kindness.

"Don't worry about it!" She smiled before turning her attention back at Present Mic.

"Alright, alright examinee number 7111, thanks for calling in with your request." Present Mic said as Nura scoffed at the excitement that radiated off of him.

"The fourth villain type is worth zero points, that guy is just an obstacle we'll be throwing in your way. There's one in every battle center, think of it as a hurdle you should try to avoid. It's not that it can't be beaten, but it's got no points, I recommend my listeners, try to ignore it and focus on the ones at the top of the charts!" He explained as Iida thanked him and sat back down.

"Oh I get it, it's kinda like traps you have to avoid in video games."

"The whole thing is kinda like a video game huh..."

"That's all I got for you today, I'll sign off with a little present, a sample of our school motto. As General Napoleon Boullivard once laid down, a true hero is one who overcomes life's misfortune. Mmmhmmm, now that's a tasty salad bite. You ready to go beyond? Let's hear a PLUS ULTRA!" Present Mic shouted as everyone started getting ready to leave.

"Good luck! Hope you practice hitting more than just books!"

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