Class Rep

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The next day had been hectic, people instantly found out that the number one hero, All Might,

Had gone and become a teacher in his graduating school, UA academy.

Here we see the one and only Izuku Midoriya and a few of his other friends get surrounded by the media representative as they were on the way to school.

"Hey you!" One of the reporters shouted bringing a microphone close to Izuku's face.

"How are All Might's classes?"

"Uh, excuse me, I have to go to the nurse's office." Izuku said as he ran away.

"Will you tell us what the Symbol of Peace is like as a teacher?" The same news reporter asked as she brought the microphone to Uraraka's face.

"W-What he's like?" She asked confused before answering:

"Uhm... He's really muscular!"

"What do you think of All Might as a teacher?" Now the microphone was on Iida's face as he confidently answered:

"He made me recognize anew that I attend an educational institution that is the best of the best. Of course his dignity and character goes without saying but we students constantly get to see his humorous side. It is a unique opportunity to learn about being a top hero directly from one."

The reporters just sighed in defeat as they couldn't find any sort of story to talk about.

"Excuse me! Can you tell me about All Might- Oh wait, you're the one who got caught by the sludge villain..." The reporter faded off as Katsuki Bakugou gritted his teeth in anger.

"Stop it."

And with that they left him alone.

"Hey tell us about All Might!" The reporter ordered as she looked at Aoi who just smirked and waved goodbye, entering the school.

"You're in my way, move." Nura muttered as the reporters gathered around him.

"I said move."

With that, he expanded his force field causing all the reporters to cry out in pain and edge away from him as he walked to the school.

"Uhm, could you tell us about All Might's.... Wow you're really scruffy, what's your deal?" The reporter said as the infamous hero Eraserhead just stared at her.

"He's not on duty today..You are disturbing the class, please leave." He ordered as the reporter got angry

"I would like to speak directly with All Might- Wait, I feel like I've seen him before...Don't you think you're too scruffy? I can't believe All Might was able to work as a hero with all of this. Hey! Let me see All Might just for a little-"

"Ah, stupid." With that, the security systems were activated and the doors were barricaded.

"If you like, you could come by next week when he's actually around." Ryu aka Chrono stated as he smiled and waved before walking into the school.

"What's so good about All Might anyway?! He destroys stuff just like us- I mean villains do." Harley muttered as Katsuki nodded in agreement.

"He would've been easy to kill without his special ability."

"Wow... I knew he was popular but I never thought he was this popular..." Genji mumbled to himself as Hiroko hugged him.

"Princess, are you sure you don't want to walk?" Koken asked as he pushed Miwako around like a princess and her cart.

"Yup! You promised and besides it's not like I stay and sit all the time." Miwako answered proudly as they both walked through the doors of the school.

"If my calculations are correct, there should be exactly 145 reporters waiting outside." Jun stated as Shizuko nodded in agreement as she could sense hundreds of distressed souls wandering around outside of the school campus.

"Man, what I'd do to get this famous." Aoi sighed as he leaned back against his chair and put his feet on the table to get comfortable.

"You'll never get this famous." Yuriko stated obviously as Aoi twitched his eyebrow before butting heads with Yuriko.

"Am too!"

"Are not!"

"I'll become even more famous than you!" Aoi stated proudly as Yuriko growled.

"In your dreams! My father is a pro hero! Beat that!"

"I was chosen by my village to possess the golden wings!"

"Well my father was a hero! A pro hero! Get that inside your thick head!"

"Why I'd oughta..."

"Enough. Class is about to begin." Ryu stated as he walked inside the room with his normal clothing on.

"Today we will undergo some more serious business. Which consists of choosing the Class Rep." He explained as everyone nodded in understanding.

"So talk amongst yourselves and choose, I'll come back in a few minutes to confirm the new class rep." Ryu ordered as he walked out of the room.

"Let's do a voting system! Whoever votes can only choose one person to represent, it can also be yourself if you wanted the position." Jun finalised as everyone nodded in agreement.

"Please write your vote in a piece of paper and we will tally up the score." He continued as they all wrote a name on the paper before folding it and handing it over to Jun who opened and started tallying up the scores.

The scores are as shown:

Jun : 11

Aoi: 6

Yuriko: 1

Harley: 25

Emiko: 2

"Guess like I win." Harley smirked as Jun shook his head.

"If you counted the people in the classroom correctly, there would only be 20 people, so having 25 votes would be impossible, therefore Harley, you are disqualified. Which means I am the winner." Jun stated calmly as Harley growled at him before pouting, annoyed that he got caught.

"Hey! Why didn't anyone vote for me?!" Shiro asked angrily as Nura scoffed.

"It's because you can't lead shorty."

"Who you calling short?!"

"Are you done?" Ryu asked as he came into the room once more and all conversation was cut.

"Yes, apparently 55% of the class chose me to become Class Rep." Jun explained as Ryu smiled and nodded.

"That's great, so we can now move on to the other stuff." 

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