The Intruder

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"Don't, this is the UA barrier! That's what we call it." One of the reporters warned the main reporter who retorted with:

"That's so lame! What the heck is that?"

"If someone tries to get in without a student ID or a pass to enter, the security system kicks in. Apparently there are sensors all over the school." Another stated as he pointed to the barrier closing them off from the school.

"What the heck?! They think they're so high and mighty! They could at least give us a few comments!" The main reporter asked outraged

"You said it, seriously."

"We've been here for two days, and they still won't say anything."

-in the school-

"Wow... there's so many people!" Yura Ha stated as the lunch room was filled with people.

"What a drag." Nura yawned before walking outside to the garden, bringing his food along with him,

"Us people won't have to sit with these losers, we can go to our dad's VIP place!" Yuriko stated before walking away, her brother following quietly behind her.

"Man, I don't get what her problem is." Genji said as he laid back on his chair.

"Are you going to eat that?" Hiroko asked him, eyeing the meat on his plate.

"Go ahead." With that, Hiroko took the meat and gobbled up the whole of it into her mouth.

"Anyway as I was saying-" Genji was interrupted by the emergency bell.

"An alarm?!"

"There has been a level 3 security breach. All students please evacuate outdoors promptly." The alarm stated as students started rushing outside through the doors.

"Hey! Don't push!"

"Wait, I'm falling!"

"I said, don't push!"


"So troublesome." Nura sighed as the force field protected him, he casually walked to the exit door.

"Give us All Might! He's here isn't he?!" The reporter asked angrily as Eraserhead, Chrono and Present Mic stood in front of them, blocking their entrance.

"We told you, he's not here."

"If you give us just a brief comment, we'll leave."

"If you get one, you'll want another, that's just how you people are."

"They're illegal trespassers you know. You could call them villains, you think we can beat them up?" Present Mic asked as Chrono chuckled nervously.

"Don't do it Mic."

"They're going to write about it." Chrono stated as a matter of fact before fake smiling at the reporters.

"Yea, we'll just wait for the police." Eraserhead continued as Present Mic just scoffed in annoyance

"I wondered what it was, but it's just the media." Genji heard Tenya Iida said as the crowd was still in panic.

"Everyone calm dow-" Iida shouted as he tried to calm the crowd down but, since the crowd was till in panic he got pushed around and no one listened.


"Hey watch it!"

"Don't push!"

"Everyone stop! Slow down! Slow down!" a red haired and a yellow haired boys tried to calm the crowd down, they are Kirishima and kaminari from class 1A

As Aoi realized that it is reporters he also tried to calm them down, then soon Yuriko helped as well, but in the midst of the crowd they were all ignored and they kept on pushing and shoving

Then suddenly Iida was raised in the air and using his quirk he propelled himself to the wall as everyone watched him do so. "Everyone, everything's fine! It is just the media! There is nothing to panic about. Everything's fine" he announced as he held on to the pole and stood on the exit sign "This is UA. let us act in a way befitting the best of the best." he continued and luckily that was enough to calm the crowd down.

"Well this was annoying." Nura said as he rolled his eyes

"Are u alright sis?" Kaoru asked his sister."Yea its nothing." Asuka replied as Kaoru helped her up after being trampled by the crowd

"What a bunch of bakas" Katsuki said to Harley "they panicked because of some reporters"

"It's pathetic I know." Harley answered him.

Then all the students were dismissed and they all went back to their classes.

"Katsuki is it, please remove your feet from the table since it is impolite." Jun asked Katsuki as he scowled at him.

"Why would I listen to you nerd?!"

"A nerd? A nerd is a foolish or contemptible person who lacks social skills or is boringly studious. I don't see how that describes my personality, I mean I am neither foolish nor boringly studious."

Then Katsuki rolled his eyes and removed his feet from the table and then the day went on.

With that, another day of school ended, and Class 1C was finally dismissed. 

Class 1C (BNHA fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang