The Entrance Exam

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"Right let's start! Get moving! There are no countdowns in real battles, so run, run, run listeners! You're wasting air time here!" Present Mic shouted as the gates of the city opened and everyone started to run inside it.

Here in Battle Center A, two people could be seen running side by side with each other before splitting up to the nearest robot. The girl of the two could be seen morphing her hand into a sword before slashing a nearby robot with it. The boy on the other hand, morphed his right hand into a gun before shooting down three of the 1P robots right on their heads.

Once they had finished, the two met back together again before looking at each other and smiling. Once the small moment ended, they had started attacking once more, earning them points.

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"Kaoru and Asuka Miyura

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"Kaoru and Asuka Miyura. The only twins to have ever entered together and not separate their points. Both are known to be deadly but together they are even deadlier than before." One of the pro heroes stated as he and nine other heroes were assessing the practical exam.

"Hmm... it seems that the only flaw they have is not talking to each other or anyone for that matter, but yet, they seem to be able to know what the other is thinking, even at this very moment." Another pro hero inquired as the rest nodded in agreement.

"Here's another interesting one in battle center A. Katsuki Miyamae, he's one of the two who had previously changed from a villain to a hero. His quirk is manipulation, he kills his enemy and controls them to kill the rest of them."

As the screen showed a kid wearing a circus outfit coloured in black and purple, along with a skull kept on his left hip from his dead father and another skull to represent his dead mother, he was known the prince of the circus, who worked with Harley and became the almost famous 'Circus Duo'.

"Die! Die!" Katsuki Miyamae screamed as he kept slashing the 3P robot until it's light went dim

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"Die! Die!" Katsuki Miyamae screamed as he kept slashing the 3P robot until it's light went dim. Once the light could no longer be seen, Katsuki started chuckling deeply before opening a vile found in his left pocket and dropped a few drops into the dead robot's system and with that he whispered

"Come alive now my new friend."

The robot's light suddenly turned back on as Katsuki jumped onto it's shoulder.

"Now attack!" He ordered as the robot began rampaging over the smaller robots earning Katsuki more points. When other candidates tried to attack the now controlled robot, he would fire blue flames from his hands and target the players, although he made sure he hid it perfectly so that no one would notice him attacking the others as they would either be too focused on winning or assessing the candidates.

"This is way more fun than doing nothing!" Katsuki shouted as he destroyed even more robots, earning him 3rd place across Battle Center A, with 2nd being the twins and 1st being Katsuki Bakugou.

Once it was time, the last robot had come alive, the fourth robot that held 0P, in each of the seven different battle centers.

"Hey hey hey, who's this?" Katsuki Miyamae asked angrily as he looked at the 0P robot in disgust. All the candidates had started running away, leaving him the last one there.

"You ruined my play time! Do you know what happens to people who ruin my playtime?!" He asked the 0P robot angrily as he started to throw 3 small blue fireballs at it menacingly as it did nothing.

"Think you're so tough huh? Just you wait! My minions awake!" Katsuki Miyamae shouted as the robots his 3P robot destroyed started turning back on and attacked the 0P robot.

"Does he realise he's talking to a robot?" One of the pro heroes asked him from the room they were assessing.

"I think he does. He just doesn't care that the villain is a robot." Another answered honestly as Katsuki finally annihilated the huge robot and smirked victoriously.

"Have you had enough?!" He asked the now dead robot before walking away, clicking his fingers once to allow all the robots he used to revert back to its last state, dead.

When the exam ended everyone who had witnessed the event that had happened was looking at Katsuki Miyamae in fear.

"What are you looking at? Want a broken nose? Or better yet! A new eye?" He asked shouting angrily at the people who was staring at him while pointing his knife at anyone who dared come close to him.

"He looks like a psychopath!"

"Yeah I know, I bet he won't even get in."

"But did you see the way he took out that bot?"

"Yeah! He's definitely someone to watch out for."

"I can hear you talking! Shut up!" Katsuki shouted once more as he pointed the knife at the group who was talking about him.

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