"Nya, Poor Little Nomu."

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As two of the groups that have separated reunited once more, they all headed back to where the only exit layed. To be greeted by more familiar faces,some bruised and beaten, others with worried faces. Once all the groups have reunited safely, with a few solo members missing, they were greeted by a somewhat amazing sight, there was All Might in all of his glory, he had come to save them, but he was stuck in a strange predicament.

His body was arched back while he tried to smash the bird like creature's head but had failed due to the same warp villain that had quickly maneuvered his way to make sure the Nomu didn't die. The Nomu, on the other hand, had a tight grip on All Might's body, squeezing his ribs.

Suddenly, Midoriya had started running towards the fighting duo while others watched in fear and shock, just as he was about to use his quirk, the same warping villain had suddenly appeared in front of him.

"How foolish."

He stated simply before opening another gate to another part of the dome, just as Midoriya's hand slipped in, Bakugou had come to the rescue and quickly blasted the metal part of the villains body while shouting:

"Move! You're in my way Deku!"

"Take that!" He shouted as he brought the metal part down towards the ground, keeping a steady firm on it.

Then, ice had started developing, covering half of the Nomu.

'He's frozen?' All Might thought shocked

'Young Todoroki!'

"All I heard was that you all are here to kill All Might." The half and half user stated as he glared at them coldly.

'He controlled it so that the ice stopped just before it reached me. Thanks to that, his grip on me loosened.' All Might thought before breaking free of the grip before jumping off towards Bakugou and Todoroki, holding onto his bleeding side.

"All Might." Midoriya gasped before Kirishima appeared as well, trying to land a hit on the other guy, Shigaraki, also known as the one who has many hands all over his face.

"Huh? Dammit, I didn't get to show off!" Kirishima growled as he missed his target.

"Stop acting so stuck up, foggy nobody." Bakugou warned, his hands still on the metal part of the warp villain.

"The Symbol of Peace cannot be killed by the likes of you." Todoroki stated calmly

Shigaraki looked at the scene slowly before looking at the warp villain.

"Kurogiri, our exit and entrance, has been overcome. We're in a pinch."

"You careless bastard. You're just what I thought you'd be. Only certain parts of you can turn into a misty warp gate. The fog gate covered your actual body, right?" Bakugou sneered

"Back then. If you were completely made of mist and physical attacks couldn't touch you, then you wouldn't have said "that was close." This caused the villain to look up, shocked before Bakugou blasted him once more.

"Don't move! If I feel like you're moving suspiciously then I'll blow you up."

"His behaviour isn't very hero-like..." Kirishima sweatdropped

"Nomu." Shigaraki ordered before the birdlike creature started rotating it's body and moving around so that he was back to one piece, breaking a leg and an arm in the process.

"Even though his body's broken... He's still moving?!" Midoriya asked shocked

"Get back, everyone!" All Might ordered before the ice around Nomu's body breaks and is replaced with a new arm and leg.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2018 ⏰

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