Chapter 13

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We start walking back to the house. The tears are pouring out of my eyes. I start to stumble. because I can't see. He runs over, picks me up and carries me back into the house. we get to the living room. He puts me down.

"You told them I would come for you"? he asks.

Yes, but none of them believed me. I told Matt you would never give up. he said it would never happen. But he didn't know you like I did. I knew Billy at least would want me back. "I am really tired". "I am going to change and head to bed". I tell him.

I went to my room put my pajamas back on, went back to his room. he wasn't there. I jumped up, grabbed teddy, covered up and waited. Not long after he comes in and rolls me over takes teddy and moves it and pulls me into his chest. My eyes are so heavy already that darkness comes fast.

Sorry I know it was short..

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