Chapter 20

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It's been almost two days. I haven't heard from him.

"CARLA" I yell

she comes in I look at her.

"I want to speak to the second in command". I tell her

She nodded and walked out. Then he comes in. he is very tall and his arms are bigger then my legs. He had light brown hair. Really good looking too. all I could think is he hits the gym every day.

"What is your name"? I ask.

"Patrick". He responds.

"Where is he"? I ask.

"I am not supposed to tell you". he says.


"He got injured and he is at the hospital". "the guards are all around him waiting for him to be released". "they are charging him with your kidnapping" he said it so fast.

Now I am mad.

"Why wasn't I told"? I ask.

"Boss said not to". he tells me.

"Get the fucking car and take me to him now". I growl at him.

"yes, ma'am please follow me". he tells me.

I think I frightened him a little. I got into the back of the car and we headed to the hospital. When we get there, I walk in and demand to know where he is. He is in room 415 she said looking scared. I walk off towards his room. Once I get close. I can see all the cops and the cameras, they all look at me. with shock in their faces. I look at them

"you know who I am right" I say.

the officer nods. I look at the camera.

"I am dropping all charges". GET OUT OF HERE NOW". I yell at them.

I walk into his room. I look around there are a few cops in there.

"All of you get the fuck out". I growl

They get up slowly and walk out. I walk over to him and squeeze his hand. he opens his eyes and looks at me,

"hey Bill, you ok"? I ask.

"What are you doing here"? "I told them not to let you come here". Bill tells me

"Yes, I know but I can be scary too". "what were you thinking"? "They are gone now". "problem solved". I tell him.

"You dropped all charges"? he asks amazed

"Of course, I did". "I will be right back". I tell him.

I walk out and all the cops are gone so are the cameras. I walk to the nurse's station and ask to speak to the doctor. They paged him. about ten minutes later he comes up to me.

"Hi, I am Doctor Johnson". "I was the one who treated him". He tells me.

"when can I get him out of here"? I asked.

"Tomorrow morning, he will be released". He tells me.

"Thank you, doctor," I say.

then I walk back into his room.

"You get to come home in the morning". "What happened"? I ask.

"I got shot in the arm". "It wouldn't stop bleeding". "I had to come here". He says.

"Alright well I am staying here". "I don't want to hear any fighting about it". I told him. I wasn't taking no for an answer.

He nodded.

I went grabbed a chair, pulled it next to the bed. I held his hand. I watched him slowly fall asleep. I grabbed the remote control, turned the tv on and sound way down. I could see the reporters saying how I dropped all charges. saying I have Stockholm's syndrome. I think maybe there right but it changes nothing. I start remembering how much I hate tv. I turn it off. I lay my head down on his bed. I wake up to someone moving my hair out of my face. I look up.

"It's morning lets go home". he tells me.

I wipe my mouth, stretch and stand up. He comes over to me and grabs my hand. We walk out of the hospital the car is already there waiting. We get in and before I know it were home. once we get inside.

"I am going to have a shower". He tells me.

"I will be in the game room if you need me I say

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