Chapter 24 (Mature)

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I went to the bathroom to clean the blood off my hands. when I came back out he was waiting. He looked at me.

"Cheyanne, I never seen you like that". "You can be scary". "I can see why Patrick did what you said". He tells me.

I looked at him. I am still trying to calm down.

"I will take on any bitch who thinks she can come between us". for her to try and get me in trouble". "she deserved what she got". "I think I went easy on her I could have done way worse if I had a weapon." The Bitch needed to learn nobody fucks with me or what's MINE". I say growling.

I am still trying to calm down.

He came up and grabbed me picked me up. I wrapped my legs around him. He kissed me so hard. my adrenaline is pumping hard. I grab his hair and pulled. When we pull apart were both growling. He carries me over to the pool table sets me on top and grabs my hair.

"Now it's my turn". "I have wanted this for a long time". He growls out

He kisses me again and he is biting my lip. I am moaning it feels so good. I have always liked it rough. He rips my shirt off, he reaches behind me and with one finger the bra is gone. He is teasing my nipples. once they are hard he pinches them making them fully erect. I am panting I want more. He then stands me up and pulls my jeans and panties down. he puts me back on the table and quickly takes off his shirt then he takes off his pants. He picks me back up and lines up whispers in my ear.

"Ready"? He asks.

I moan "Yes".

He slams into me. I scream. he is growling. He is going so fast and hard. I am screaming, moaning you name it. I am begging for more. Then I hear the magic phrase

"Cum for me Sweets".

That was it I exploded. shortly after he reaches his. I went limp. I was exhausted. He carries me upstairs to his bathroom to get cleaned up. I got into the shower. when the water hit my knuckles, it hurt. I saw that my hand was all messed up. Well that's what I get for punching her. I should have just kicked her. my leg was fine. After we got dressed. we went back to the game room. I sat down next to him.

"My hand is messed up". I tell him.

He looks at it.

"Do you think its broken"? He asks.

"No just kills". "I should have just kicked her my leg is fine". "Bill why on earth would you go for a girl like her". "I mean come on". I ask.

"well to be honest she was just easy and available" he says.

"Why did you keep her here"? I ask.

"I told her that I was getting you back" that we were done" she said she was ok with it". "I figured I would just let her stay". He says.

"Do you know now she wasn't ok with it"? I ask.

"yes, I can see that now but you took care of her". he says.

"if another one comes you tell me". "I don't want any more surprises". "alright Bill". I say.

"I promise if another one is near you will know". He says.

"Thank you I would rather be prepared". I reply.

"Wait". He says.

then looks at me.

"Why do you need to be prepared"? He asks.

"I know bitches like her". "I know what they would be willing to do". "you have power and they want that power". "They would love to be where I am". "I need to make sure I am prepared so if it happens again". "I can take care of it on my own". "I don't want your power you can have it". "but bitches like her want that power". "They will use you just to get it". I tell him.

"See right there". "That's why I had to have you back you really don't want the power do you"? he asks.

"No, I don't Bill. "that's all you". I say.

"Well Cheyanne you really are a bad ass aren't you". He asks.

"When I need to. she tried to get me in trouble and that pisses me off". "I am not getting punished unless I do it". I tell him.

"alright my bad ass time for bed". he tells me

He picks me up and carries me to bed. I love being carried. I have missed this. he used to carry me everywhere. I loved it.

The Unbreakable Series (Acceptance)Where stories live. Discover now