Chapter 18 (HIS POV)

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After I took the pain meds at her request. She couldn't stop crying. she felt horrible to cause me this pain. I hate seeing her cry. I act like it doesn't bother me. I don't want anyone to know my weaknesses. Plus, if she knew how much it bothered me. she would use it to her advantage. I know her. I told her to lay down. she did she is very submissive with me. I have always been a Dom since I can remember. It came natural to me. I met her when I was eighteen. I didn't want a relationship. I figured I would be alone forever. Since the split personality thing. I didn't think anyone would understand and accept both. Yes, I am the dominate, Billy only comes out when I let him. I am the one in full control. He voices his opinion but I don't have to listen.

when I met her everyone told me how blunt she was. That if any man told her what to do. she would with go off or hit them. with me she was a natural submissive. I think I was the only one she has ever trusted enough to be her true self. I will say she can dominate the hell out of other people. She can get downright scary. I wonder if she will ever show that side again. Right now, she is curled into me, I can see that she is falling asleep. She cried really hard. I start playing with her hair. I know it soothes her. I want her to sleep. I have to do something to make her extra happy.

I can't believe I had her branded. She wasn't ok with it and I did it. I couldn't believe how painful it was. I thought I was going to die. She helped me to the bathroom. her tiny little body did the best she could. I made her go straight to her room after. That's another thing I will spend the rest of my life trying to fix. The moment she touched me with it. I made noises I didn't know I could make. Her eyes instantly filled with tears. She fell to her knees apologising. She had nothing to be sorry for. It was me that needed to apologise. I know once the brand is healed it's going to look cool. I can't believe she told me she loved me. I wanted to say it back but I didn't. I don't know why I do that. she opens up and I still hide. I need to get better. I know we had communication problems before I don't want that again. I look down to see her mouth open and she is drooling. She looks adorable. She is my forever. I need to stop being afraid to tell her things. I will work on it. I have to I want us to have a happy life. hell, to be honest with myself I want it to be as perfect as she is. My perfect angel.

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