Chapter 22

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"How are you feeling"? I ask him.

"Better now that I have had a shower". He tells me.

"Cheyanne, you dropped all charges I can't believe you did that". he tells me.

I look at him confused.

"What did you think I was going to do"? I ask.

"I don't know" he says shrugging.

"If its ok I would like to talk to you". I say

while walking over, sitting on the couch. He joins me.

"Bill from now on I need to know when you are hurt or need my help", "I have met your second in command". "you better not get mad with Patrick "I made him tell me". "you don't remember how scary I can be". "I was furious that someone didn't tell me.". I tell him.

"I am not mad at him". "I have already told him that". "As for me telling you". "when I need your help from now on". "I will make sure you know". He tells me.

"Thank you, Bill,". "I feel like I have a right to know". I replied.

He grabbed me and hugged me so tight.

"I will never forget what you did". "dropping all charges". "coming to be by my side". I was really close to being put back in a jail cell". He tells me.

"Your welcome" I reply.

He grabbed my chin.

"This house is open to you". "Go in every room". "I don't care this is your house now too". he tells me.

"Really"? I ask.

"You saved me of course this is your home too". he tells me.

"Are you finally starting to believe I am not going anywhere"? I ask.

"I know for a fact that you won't leave my side". He tells me.

"Come on let's go play some games", I say

grabbing his hand. We played till we were starving.

"If you don't mind can I pick tonight's dinner"? I ask.

"yeah sure". He says.

"Can we please go to this place"? "I want triple X". I say.

he looked at me and laughed.

"I have been waiting for you to ask me to take you there". "Come on Sweets lets go". He tells me.

We go to the car and take off into the night. what feels like forever we finally get there. I am so exited their milkshakes are soo good. we go and find a booth and chatting. The waitress came over took our order and left came back with drinks and a few minutes later with our food. It was so yummy. When I was waiting for him to get in the car. I can see my mom pull up. I want to jump out and say hi. I don't think it would be a good choice. I slid down the seat trying to hide myself. When he gets in the car.

"What are you doing". He asks.

"Just go please". I say.

He takes off and once I know were on the freeway. I get back into my seat and buckle up.

"Tell me what's going on". he demands.

"I saw my mom. I didn't know how you would react so I just hid". I tell him.

"Did you want to talk to her"? He asked.

"Yes". I said.

"Alright I will give you a cell phone you can use to call everyone". "you only use it when I am around". He tells me.

"I can agree to that thank you"." I need you to promise". "That you will stop growling". "when I do talk to them".

he laughed so hard

"I will work on it". he tells me.

The Unbreakable Series (Acceptance)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang