Chapter 21 (HIS POV)

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Right now, I am in the shower. All I can think is she saved me. I am crying like a baby. I was close to being put right back in jail. They were going to charge me. the moment I was released from hospital. I was sleeping when she squeezed my hand. Then she told me that everything was fixed. she told me she was staying. I can't believe she dropped the charges. She could have left me to rot. She loves me more than I thought. she had to have had Patrick bring her here. I will have to thank him for it. when I woke up in the morning her head was on the bed. I pushed her hair out of her face. Told her it was time to go. She had to wipe the drool off. how did I get this lucky? Once I know I can stop crying. I get out and get dressed. I head to the office first.

"Patrick thanks for taking her to the hospital". I tell him

"Your welcome but to be honest". "she scared the hell out of me". "she yelled at me". "I thought she was going to attack me". "she was that mad". He tells me

"Yes, "she can get like that". "she doesn't do it often but when she does even I want to back down". I say

I know how scary she can be. You only see it, when she is furious.

"I am glad your back Boss". "This girl is good for you". he tells me

"You think so"? I ask

"I know so". "You are happier". "You smile since she arrived". "Before all your focus was on work or finding her". he tells me

"Your right I had to have her. "if you need me I will be in the game room with her".

"Yes Boss" he tells me

I walk back in the room. she is playing pool, listening to her favourite Country music.

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