Chapter 14 (HIS POV)

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She knew I would come for her. she even told them. I am over the moon right now. I didn't want to set up the meet. But I am glad I did. she told him that it was over. She even showed him her brand to prove it. I hate that she has been with him. the whole time we were down there all I did was growl. I wanted to kick his ass. When she explained to them this would happen. They still didn't get it. how could they not get it now, because she is HERE WITH ME. she is not leaving me again. I don't care what they think. I would take them all out. After everything they put her through. Now they are acting like they love her. I don't believe it for one moment. I think what they are doing is putting on a show. For him.

I have a special day planned tomorrow. She is going to love it. I know everything about her. I missed out on two years and I will spend the rest of my life trying to make up for them lost years. I think I will have some men follow her family. I want to make sure they stay away. Once I know she is asleep. I decide to head back to the office quickly. I want to have someone follow them. I want to see what they are up too. I head to the office. Once I get there I fire up the laptop. I sent few emails out. arranging for them to be followed. Patrick walks in

"Boss someone was trying to come to this side of the house". "I have no idea who it was since its dark out". he tells me

"I will start locking the bedroom door". "Patrick, I need you to make sure he doesn't hurt her". "if I am not around I need you to take care of her". I ask

"Of course, "I will. You would do it for me". he tells me

"Thanks, yes I would. "I am headed to bed". "Night" I tell him

"Night Boss" he replied

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