0.16 | E.O.D

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       MARTHA HAD TAKEN TOO bandaging up those wounded. She was wrapping a mans wrist, and instructing him to keep it clean. Valarie was wrapping a woman's head, as Martha had shown her briefly how to do it so it keeps pressure but doesn't hurt. Tallulah has entered the silent tent, a boiled pot of water in hand.

"So, what are we going to do?" She shattered the stiff silence as she set the pot down. She folded her arms, which were covered in the sleeves of a satin fur coat.

"Doctor gave Val this." Martha motioned to the fold in her hands. She opened it, to show it was blank. "It gets us into any building, he must want us to it but I don't know how." Martha shrugged. They had both seen the Doctor use the psychic paper before, but remained clueless to how to actually use it. She closed it, and began to tap it between her fingers.

      "Wait! In the sewers. They mentioned a conductor, with dalekanium or something." Valarie began, ideas spurring from her mouth. "In place where?"

      "I think I know." She left the tent to find Frank, who sniffled and grieved Solum still.

  "Frank." His Head snapped to Valarie's voice. "You said Diagros was getting people to do work, what kind of work?" She asked. Frank looked down and shrugged, his lip trembling.

"All kinds. Building work was the best, you'd hope to get that." He informed them. Valarie sighed, feeling bad for Frank whose cheeks were still wet with fresh tears. She knelt to his knees, and took his hand in hers. She traced circles, it was gesture she knew comforted her as a child whenever she was scared or felt sad.

"Where, Frank? What building?" She asked gently. He turned, and pointed towards the Empire State Building, which was still being completed. "There." Valarie looked at Martha and Tallulah, feeling rather clever at the moment she has placed the two facts together.


The walk to the Empire State Building was quick and cold; the door guarded by two burly men. The three stood stiff in front of them; Valarie fishing the psychic paper out of her pocket. She recalled the Doctor briefs explanation of how it worked. 'Please say engineers, please say engineers!'

She held it confidently, the men both nodding and allowing entry. Valarie smiled sweetly, and entered the lobby with ease. She was rather shocked that it had worked, as she peered back at Martha, Tallulah and Frank. No one spoke of the psychic paper until they were on the elevator.

      "Always wanted to go to the Empire State, but not like this." Martha commented. Frank folded his arms.

      "Where are we going anyway?"

      "Top floor. Doubt it's fully done yet." Valarie confirmed. Tallulah eyeballed the psychic paper in her hands.

       "Hey, how come those guys just let us through?" She asked. Valarie opened it and showed off the paper; which to all four said something.

      "Psychic paper. Shows them whatever I want them to think. According to this, we are two engineers and two architects." She read it, and handed it to Frank who extended a hand. He felt dumbfounded as it looked real, but according to Valarie's words wasn't.

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