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                                 〖 HUMAN NATURE

AFTER WHAT FELT LIKE hours, Jenny departed from Valarie. She had brought her a hot meal before she left and talked Valarie through her own feelings. Valarie finally understood her feelings for the Doctor but a new grievance arose from the revelation.

He must not know.

Valarie had recollected herself by the time Martha came back. Or she thought. Martha had arrived with tea that a professor had decided he did not want and set it on the table, putting her hands on her hips at sight of her puffy, red face.

"Now what's happened?" She asked in concern. She reached for a cup, pouring it full as Valarie stumbled over an explanation. She also felt too embarrassed about her feelings to even tell Martha.

"Oh, just that bastard kid again. Just got extra creative with his insults this time." She sighed. Martha finished the cup and handed it to her. A cake also sat on the platter she had sat down with the cups.

"That Jeremy Baines? You know, I saw him earlier and he was acting all funny. Had this almost scary smile on his face. Kept staring at Mr.Clark." Martha sighed, pouring her own cup. Valarie recalled having seen Clark that morning. He had a odd look, a smile and almost unblinking eyes. But she chalked it up to another successful night of him cheating on his wife. She sipped the tea as Martha started working on the other two cups. The conversation turned to gossip about the faculty swiftly, and the village dance that was happening that night.

"Oh, there you are." Martha greeted as the door swung open. Valarie still remained in her bed, sitting upright with her legs under the covers.

Jenny stepped in. She was stiff as a board as Martha explained were she had gotten the tea and snacks from. Her eyes had that same, wide open, unblinking nature about them as Clark and Jeremy's.

"What are you standing there for?" Martha asked. Jenny sniffed the air, almost like an animal. "Are you alright?"

"Must have a cold coming on." She responded and took a seat across from Martha. Even the way she sat was stiff.

"You know, I feel bad for Joan."

"Why." Jenny said. Valarie took note of her eyes. They hadn't blinked at all.

"Because she is so smitten with John, and it won't last. He will be leaving in a few weeks. His contract comes to an end. She will be heartbroken." Martha explained. It was a half truth.


"Oh, all sorts of places Jenny. I wish we could tell you." Martha sighed dreamily.

"Why not?"

"Jenny?" Valarie inputted at her aggressive nature. The hairs on her neck had began to stand up.

"It's just complicated."

"No, I insist. Tell me, tell me now." While who sat at that table looked like Jenny, spoke like Jenny, even smelt like her, it wasn't Jenny. It was something that was unblinking, and looked at the girls as if it was a predator stalking prey.

"Martha." Valarie interrupted. Eyes turned to her as she had rose from her bed. She had quietly slipped her outdoor shoes on with her nightgown. "I just remembered. We promised Timothy Latimer we would come help with a project. Now. Just, give us a tick Jenny and we will be back." She nodded, half pushing Martha out of the door and shutting it silently.

"We need to go get him." Martha said as she two grabbed each others wrist and began to run out of the cottage. They reached outdoor and Valarie looked back. Jenny stood at the open window with a gun aimed at them. She fired and small green explosion landed on their heels. They yelped and continued running.

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