Quotes by WaqueKoala Part 1

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1. "Sometimes in life, you just got to shoot bastards with shotguns when you are angry."

2. "Blood? You mean that thing where wannabe doctors faint like wussies?"


4. "There maybe fish in the sea, but sometimes you just got to let go of that net when it is heavy and rely on a fishing rod again."

5. "Sometimes, sleeping is the answer to all if your problems."

6. "There maybe gods, or kings, but remember that those fuckers can't even answer your prayers. Except Jesus, cuz he is awesome."

7. "Being sad doesn't help. Play Left 4 Dead 2 and murder 10 tanks with an axe to be happy."

8. "Throw those pillows and have a happy new year.

Thats all, and


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