True to life stories with WaqueKoala

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All of these events are true

So yesterday, sis, big bro, and me were eating breakfast when sis told me and big bro a not so believable tale.

So it happened a few days ago, a cousin of mine was all alone in her house, her mom (my aunt) went outside with her younger siblings and her elder brother was at the church. So being a responsible person, she cooked some rice so that if the fam got home, they'll just eat.

So she went away for a moment, using her phone (like teenagers do) until the whole kitchen was caught on fire. Yes, the whole kitchen.

Stuff melting and crap, that yada yada. So she resorted to use a large frying pan with water to get the fire out, but it only grew larger. In desperate attempts, she shouted for help. The workers they hired for the finishin of their new house, didn't hear her, considering working on the 4th floor until they hearf her screams. So they went down and helped her, luckily the neighbors heard it too so they helped in putting the fire down.

And after a few minutes, the fire went out. But she remembered the rice she was cooking, so she checked. But in her suprised, it wasn't overcooked.

It was edible, all perfect and not touched by the fire.

So me and my brother, and sister just laughed hard until our younger cousin who slept in the house just made a snarky remark about laughing at the story.

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