Post Credits Special: House Frost (Howland's POV)

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House Frost... The house who held the realm for a millennia. It is funny to consider the fact House Frost was only a minor house for thousands of years of its existence.

Ever since the Age of Lords, exiled devils were sent to the realms of men. Stripped of their fiery prowess to make them suffer, but instead they were given hope. The forgotten god Invir gave the last of his magic to the disgraced devils, in hopes that they will master its secrets.

The magic of ice and snow.

For millennia, the disgraced ones grew in numbers and strength. Honing the gifts Invir gave to them, they made many things. From carriages to ships, tiny keeps to large castles, weapons of war, and the largest structure ever known to man, but that... Will be dicussed later.

House Frost was one of the bannermen of the ruling Great Houses of Invir. For years, my ancestors served as High Mages. Not meant to rule, but to teach. Isolating ourselves in the coldest mountains, training and showing our dominance to those who claim to be the strongest.

When the Invirian Civil War, or as old folk used to say "The Dance" took place, the Frosts remained neutral throughout the scuffle and helping those who were greatly affected by the war in exchange of their support to my forefathers. Winters and summers pass, the Frosts grew stronger ever since it's formed. Purging our way to the capital, my ancestor Howland Frost I, or the King of Ice as my father would say, was crowned High Mage King of Invir, with the lords all exhausted from fighting and with our magical capabilities higher than the most, bowed to him filled with resent and disappointment.

A war that they fought for, was all for nothing. Because, a mere mage with not even a single drop of royal blood, became the king of a broken kingdom with no one else to trust but themselves.

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