WaqueKoala Originals: King of Snowfall

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A/N: So hey guys! WaqueKoala here and now with my head coming along with this new prompt for my Snowfallverse. Before you get confused, Snowfallverse is one of my most craziest ideas that became the most greatest thing that I thought for. The original storyline came from a RP that me and -akieruuuh made a year back and it just expanded after some people joined in the fun (which was deleted I guess). So sit back, relax and enjoy the freaking show!!!

Prompt: Howland declares himself as the King of Snowfall after his cousin was crowed.

A/N 2: This is a non-canon event. I just thought of this

In the kingdom of Snowfall, coronation for the new king was a great one. Streets flooded with people, royals from other kingdoms joining the celebration, and of course the royal family itself. As Snowfall and her 13 realms make way to crown their new king, a mysterious person standing at the top of the kingdom's walls watched as he made a raven fly carrying a message.

The procession was grand, the king's heir waving to the crowds. Most of the crowds' smiles were fake, for they heard rumors that the heir blamed the original contender, Howland for a crime he did not and killed his own cousin Jonathan to take the crown for his own. As they arrived at the castle, the heir walked slowly as he reached the throne of ice his gradfather sat and the very chair he desperatly wanted.

As he sat down the throne, a bishop placed the crown of winter in his head and declared, "This is Joffrey of House Frostfang, Second of His Name, King of Snowfall and her 13 Realms, Protector of the weak and Shield of the Motherland. Long he may reign." And the crowd repeated the last statement ina monotonous form.

As he stood up, he saw a raven flew overhead the crowds and landed on the thrones. As the new king picked up the paper stuck on the raven's leg,the raven disappeared and he read the message.

' Cousin,
I heard that you are the new king, and I give you my regards for that. But none of that matters anymore.

You killed Jonathan, I knew it was you. Blaming me for your burden was a smart move, I clap on that. But then you missed one thing, I am still alive and my years of exile has ended.

Truly grandfather removed my rights as heir for his throne, but I will not falter. I will be the king of the kingdom you stole from me, I will sit in that blasted throne, and I will give my life on this conquest.


And on the sea, Howland stabbed his knife to the ship's railings as he sees Snowfall by the horizon. With an army of men he trusts, he will conquer the place he called home.

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