Chapter 2

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~Author's Note!~

Woohoo! Chapter two! Now things will get more interesting as this chapter progresses. Also, thank you all again for reading this! Hope you all enjoy!~

Dice walks out of the Inn, noticing Porsha reading a history book on a bench, and sees her taking notes on in a notebook. He sat down beside her, Porsha not even noticing, and looks to see what she was reading. To his surprise, it was an Inkwell historical atlas that was dated since the founding of the town.

Now, why would a dame, such as herself, read a thing like that?

Dice pondered as Porsha notices his presence beside her. She smiles and greets him with a "Goodmorning." even though it was almost noon. Dice had forgotten that he was mainly working from dusk till dawn while he was at the casino, so getting up early was not for him.

"What is all this you written down?" Dice asks out of curiosity.

"Longitudes and latitudes to be precise. It's so I can find something that is buried somewhere in these parts." Porsha explains as she stands to her feet.

"Buried? You're not trying to raise the dead or somethin' are ya?" Dice asks as his sarcastic tone emerges.

"Well, if you don't want to chase yourself all day, then you can come see what I am up to." Porsha starts to walk off after the statement hits Dice, he immediately follows her.

"So, where are we goin' exactly?" Dice asks as Porsha notices Cuphead and Mugman rushing up to them.

"Please, something is wrong outside of the Isles!" Cuphead says and Porsha hears his scarce tone.

Porsha kneels down to their level, "Show us the way boys. We'll follow you." she replies in a calm manner to not draw any attention.

The Cup brothers lead Dice and Porsha to the third Isle of Inkwell. The brothers rush up to Carla Maria, who looks to be in distress, and Porsha notices the color of the water in the docks. It is a crimson red like if someone has turned the seas to blood.

"Boys! Thank goodness! You brought hel-" Carla Maria stops speaking as she glares at Dice. "What's he doing here?" She asks as Dice shrugs his shoulders.

"Trying to help, I suppose..." Dice replies and Porsha Introduces herself.

"What is going on with the bay? Miss when did this start to happen?" Porsha asks and Carla tries to explain.

"All the sea creatures have evacuated this area and are migrating south. The water turned red this morning. The currents from the North are all like this, but I don't know why."

Porsha opens her bag that she has around her waist and pulls out a test tube. She takes the test tube and removes the lid to take a sample of the discolored water. She seals it up with a cork and seals it in a ziplock bag. "I can analyze this and see what is causing the water to be this color and come back to you on that, but I would advise you to step back."

Porsha pulls out a small chemistry set and notebook from her bag. Cuphead, Mugman, and Dice both wonder how all of this is fitting in such a tiny satchel, but shrug off the thought. Porsha analyzes the water and begins making something in another test tube. Then that test tube turns colors while she pours it into a flask as it turns clear. She picks up the flask and pours it into the shallow waters. The waters return to their natural color and Carla Maria looks amazed.

"This should keep the waters normal for now, but this is only temporary for about three weeks or so. Also, It can only go as far as the bay allows it to, so, try to sit around here for now." Porsha explains putting her items away.

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