Chapter 11

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The Cup brothers were reunited with their beloved grandfather once more as Inkwell Isle returned to normal. All the beings went through life as if nothing happened at all. Cagney helped the Root pack with the farms as Hilda Berg watched over the skies once again. Goopy Le Grande teamed up with Ribby and Croaks to form a boxing team. Djimmi the Great, Beppi the Clown, Grim Matchstick, and Baroness Von Bon Bon went on at the amusement park to entertain the guests that came.  Cala Maria was attending to her sea creatures as Captain Brineybeard sailed his ship from bay to bay. Dr. Kahl teamed up with Werner Werman to create and invent new and better inventions to better Inkwell.

"Everything seems to be quieting down now." Dice stated as he watched Captian Brineybeard unload his shipment from the docks.

"Yeah, it has, hasn't it?" Porkrind replied as he took a crate and put it over his shoulder. "Get that crate over there!" He barked at Dice and Dice obeyed.

"Have you seen Porsha today at all?" Cala Maria asked Dice as she handed him a crate.

"No, but, I-uh will see her tonight!" Dice replied smiling.

"Ya finally askin' her to an official date?" The Captain asked walking beside him.

"Yeah! After eight months of chattin', he finally got the guts to ask her!" Porkrind laughed as Dice huffed at his statement.

"If you must know why it took so long for me to ask her then I'll tell you all!" Dice said as he put the crate down inside Porkrind's shop.

"Well?" Porkrind asked and Dice sighed.

"I just did not want her to make a mistake datin' a guy like, I asked her if she was sure about it, so, she gave us time to get to know one another before anything serious went about..." Dice explained as he walked back outside.

Porkrind and the Captain shared shocked looks at one another. "Wait, you of all people said to take it slow?" Porkrind stated and DIce picked up another crate.

"Yes, and why is that so hard for y'all to believe?" Dice retaliated back to them.

"Well, all the dames said you were the talk of the town at the casino." The captain replied and Dice put another crate down.

"Well, people have called and said a lot of things about, however, is sort of shaky on my end..." Dice said grabbing another crate and Porkrind helped him lift it up.

"Did ya date a Mrs. Grundy or somethin', cuz we have all dated someone like that in our lifetime." Porkrind asked and Dice looked away in silence.

"Ya, know how I used others to get what the man downstairs wanted?" Dice asked them as the room grew silent. "Well, I got a taste of that with the snake charmer I last dated...after her-well...I started seein' things differently after that..."

Dice picked up another crate and walked back into the shop again. Porkrind followed as he stated one thing that made the old pig know he changed for the better. "The Demon himself noticed my change in tune, as did my associates at the casino, and I found out something after we broke it off...people can change...if it is bad then it's bad, but if it's good then It is wonderful...I just hope I could have done somethin' better for the situation at the time, but I'm only mortal after all..."

"Dice take the rest of the day off." Porkrind said hearing his sympathetic words hit him. 

"But, I still have three hours until I clock out." Dice replied confused by the pig's request.

"I said take the rest of the day off and be with Porsha. Now she sees somethin' in ya and she was right about ya. Now, go get that girl and learn from what you just said to us." Porkrind explained as he shoved Dice out the door and closed it.

Porsha just got done talking with Hilda as she walked back to her apartment. She dolled up her hair in an up-do style and looked in her closet for something nice to wear. Porsha never thought of something looking nice before, normally just putting on the same outfit was good enough for her, but, for tonight it changed a bit. She found a dress that wasn't too flashy, but not too casual and put it on. Porsha looked to her jewelry box and realized it did not have anything in it. She sighed as someone knocked on her door. 

She opened it to find asters, roses, and lilies in a colorful Boque. "Here..." Dice said as Porsha smiled, taking the floral arrangement from him.

"Thank you, but you're early. I am still trying to get ready." Porsha replied chuckling.

Dice laughed awkwardly, "Boss let me go for the day early, so I thought of stopping by a bit early to see you." and Porsha noticed he had a box in his hand.

"Well, that is mighty sweet of you to do so." She put the flowers in a vase.

"What can I do for you until you get done?" Dice asked her, noticing something. "Here, why not try these?" 

He opened the box he had and put the necklace around her neck. Porsha watched him from the mirror beside them while he put in a matching pair of earrings as well. "H-how did you-"

"I saved up some money to hopefully get you something nice. P-Porsha?" He noticed her shocked expression as she touched the necklace with her hand.

"H-how much was this? Could you afford it, dear?" She asked with worry filling her voice.

"Porsha, love, it's fine. I saved back money a bit at a time for you, so I could." He explained and Porsha hugged him tightly.

"Give me five minutes then I will be down. " She said walking to her room.

"Okay, I can do that." He replied as he sat down on the sofa humming a swingin' tune.

~Author's Note~

Hello everyone! We are getting into the mellow and fluff in the next chapter! As always, thank you wonderful people for reading this story so far. Please comment on what you think and I will update chapter 12 next Thursday! Stay awesome and see you all until then!~

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