Chapter 18

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"This is all we know." The spirits wailed around them and noticed Dice's eyes. "Why is the King here of all places? You climbed your way up to the top of the towers and ruled everyone here. You ruled like a king in his palace after bringing the leader of the pack down. So, why not join your lackey's again in the darkness?" 

"I...uh..." Dice noticed them swirling around him and memories flooded his mind. He gripped his head and shut his eyes.

"You made others suffer for your gain in this world. You caused these people to sell others souls to the demon himself. Why would you try and repent now? After all, you were always shrouded in darkness since birth, so, what makes this place any different?" The spirit almost looked to be like his mother for a moment then morphed into another figure.

Dice sighed, feeling all the emotions from the souls, and looked at them with a weary mind. "...Redemption, something I never thought possible, can be for those who are my family that was bound for hell, or the people who I have mistreated or even crushed in the past can be shown the mercy they were never given...someimes mercy can even be the sweet release of death because the living can be so cruel...but two boys showed me mercy where no one else would, so, I intend to repay them by any means necessary...." He noticed Porsha taking his hand.

"By any means? Like how the demon saved you from your unforgiving family?" One soul scoffed at his answer.

"It is true, he saved me, but put me further down a rabbit hole that I never thought I could get out of....until the Cup brothers showed me the light at the end of that tunnel...they had to beat the shit out of me, but it worked..." Dice saw the souls make exchanges with one another, then looked back to him.

"Possible for a man that is damned to change? What will an interesting discovery in this town, but some change for the better or worse?" One spirit questioned him as the other souls moved to Porsha. 

"You have a gift that can set souls like us free, but why use it? You gain nothing from letting our spirits go on into the afterlife. So, we ask you why do you do this?"

"Does it matter to you? That you are free from the shackles that pull you down on this earth or that you are chained to them forever? I see that everyone should be shown kindness and forgiveness, even if they are bound for hell. You can at least make one person see something in a brighter light then they will spread the light all over the city or town. To that one person who decided not to end their life. To that other who decided not to hurt anyone or steal again because another made a difference. That is why I am here and releasing the rest of you, so you can be free and move on." Porsha's words moved through the souls as if a gust of wind had shaken the whole entire town.

"You really are a Custos Doll." The souls said in unison as they vanished with the force of a fearsome wind.

Dice fell to his knees, taking in a deep breath then releasing it. Porsha knelt down beside him as the snow began to fall around them. The only colors around them were white and brown form the trees and forest being barren during this time. Dice glanced up at her while she put her hands on his cheeks. He saw that all of his emotions drained with just her touch. He gripped her hands with his as she smiled. He wanted her to tell him how to feel, but realized she was not going to do that because he could. Porsha knew he was still battling all the wrongs he had done to this town, but so, was she with all the souls she could not reach. They were both struggling, to survive, to thrive, to stay alive in this world that seemed to be chaos around them. 

"Little steps, love." Porsha said with a voice so sweetly like honey.

Dice rested his head on her chest. "We should head to the boy's house now, but-" Porsha lifted his head, so he could see into her eyes.

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