Untitled Part 21

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"Go on now." The Devil shuffled the two onward to the doors. "I have work to do."

"You want us to leave so soon? We just learned what is going on!" Dice protested and was shut off by the demon turning him around. 

"So, you don't want out help?" Porsha says and he stopped pushing the two.

"...I just want to see my wife again...nothing more. Nothing less." The demon said and Porsha saw his heart was true.

"Alright, so, we destroy the amulet and she can see you again?" Dice replied and the demon nodded in approval.

"Okay. Done." Porsha said walking to the exit of the casino doors.

"Wheezy, there is someone waiting for you outside." The Devil said walking away.

"Who?" Wheezy asked and realized who it was.

~~~(Wheezy's flashback)~~~

Another shot was heard from the distance as Wheezy ran off to hide behind a pillar. He doused his flames and calmed himself from the uproar of fighting. Prohibition was deteriorating the country he was in, so he took to the casino for refuge. He looked around and saw in awe at the golden walls and glistening scenery. 

"Alright,  just make tha deal and yer done." He explained to himself then noticed someone walking past him. A tall strong build bouncer, an eight ball, along with his fellow guards.

"You come to make something?" Blackruth asked, trailing behind them.

"Yes, came to make a deal." He answered while feeling a dark presence behind him.

"Come to bargain something? If you have something to give then I am willing to make a wager." the Devil boomed grinning.

"I need to have protection for my business. If you provide protection then I am willing to do anything for success." 

The demon laughed and agreed. "Fine, but if I provide you with protection then it will cost you something."

Wheezy crossed his arms and huffed. "Deal. Now, what is it?"

"Your soul." He replied and snapped his fingers. The bouncers walked towards him and lined up in front of him. "Pick 'em out. They will give you whatever your heart's desire."

Wheezy looked skeptical, but agreed and picked out one bodyguard that goes by the name Mangosteen. The two strolled down to where his new shop would be at the casino as Wheezy noticed his new acquaintance was a bit close. "Uh, hey Mangosteen?"


~~~(End of Flashback)~~~

"Give me some space." Mangosteen replied to one of the guards sternly.

"Mango?" Wheezy spoke scarcely, seeing the vehicle pull up in front of them.

"We will figure this out." He replied taking Wheezy's hand. "You always do, Wheez."

"Y-yeah, just like back then when we met?" Wheezy chuckled awkwardly while he gripped his hand tightly.

Mangosteen pulled him in closer to him. "We will be okay."

The two noticed Porsha walk out of the casino doors with Dice's expression changed. It was more shocked than discouraged and he took her hand. "Porsha."

"Yes, love?"

"If that was a warning then what does it mean you have to do?" He asked her looking intently into her eyes.

Porsha breathed in deeply and holds back her tears as she spoke. "You woke up before the vision..."

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