Chapter 9

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~Author's Note

Thank all of you amazing people for getting this fanfiction over 200 views! You all are AWESOME! The update is now here and you all can enjoy this chapter! Comments are appreciated as well, so, do so if you like! Enjoy!~

Porsha, Dice, and the Cup brothers entered the cathedral and saw an unspeakable sight. Souls, blue whisps, were being sucked into a tube and then into Blackruth's pendant. Porsha sang a tune and the two giant mechanical birds came to their side. The birds then flew to Blackruth, but passed him to go for the switches to the machine. Cuphead and Mugman prepared for a scrap as Dice rolled up his sleeves. Porsha walked in front of them all to try and talk to Blackruth one last time.

"BLACKRUTH!" Porsha shouted, causing him to meet her gaze.

"What is it? Oh-oh-oh! I need to thank you for this contraption by the way. You see it has a better use for all these useless souls around here!" Blackruth boasted while screams of the damned could be heard going into his amulet.

"That is not what this machine is used for! You also will get pulled in!" Porsha explained as the mechanical birds reached their levers.

Blackruth scoffed, "HA! If you think I will fall for that one you are wrong!" and finished collecting all the souls.

"Is this your decision? To hurt these people even more and not give them peace?" She asked and Blackruth answered smiling viciously.

"If I can take the souls of these fools then there is nothing that could stop me from taking anyone else's here! SO, yes, this is my final choice." 

"I wish you thought differently..." Porsha replied as the birds screeched their tunes bitterly and harsh. Blackruth fell to his knees as the amulet phased through his body. He was a ghost, a spirit, but he only realized this now.

Blackruth stammered as the amulet clinked to the ground. He tried to pick it up, but it was no use. He was dead, with no physical body to cling to, and gave a menacing glare at Porsha. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" He screeched and Porsha walked up to him.

She picked up the amulet, "It is time for you to be set to rest." while it glowed brighter in her hand. The machines and mechanisms were clanking faster and louder than before as the giant birds pulled another lever simultaneously. Blackruth, looked distraught, as his soul was pulled into the gem. The markings and blue whisps all lit up the room as Porsha then put the amulet into the center of the machine. 

As the walls lit up Porsha stood in the center of the machines around her. She touched the floor and the runes glowed baby blue. A trumpet sounded and the amulet broke inside the machine as the giant birds shut down. "Dice. Cuphead. Mugman." She spoke with hesitance in her voice.

Dice and the boys walked closer to her, but she held out her hand for them to yield. "This is where we say goodbye." Porsha explained as a contraption on the machine screeched.

"Wait! W-why!?" Mugman protested, being held back by Cuphead.

"Porsha, you have a say in this as well! We can find another way out of this!" Dice pleaded and Porsha smiles for a moment.

"That is a wonderful thought, but love..." The broken shards of the amulet formed a spear and shot straight through her soul. "...I-I them..." Porsha lets out her final breath as she fell to the ground. The boys all stood in shock as the announcer claims. "KNOCKOUT!"

The machines and mechanisms begin to power down as the whisps form around her. There are so many of them that DIce Holds the boys back. As the cathedral is filled form top to bottom with souls and they are all the ones Blackruth has manipulated for his sick fantasy. Another trumpet sound is heard and the machine finally shuts down as the Devil walks up.

"What are you doing!?" Dice asks holding back his mixed emotions.

"What do you think I am doing? I am here, along with the angel of death." The Demon explained as a cloaked being with bright silver and golden wings flew down beside him.

The angel spoke, "You all are going to be at peace now, but before that, you must be punished." and his words were cold and stern.

"That is what an angel is?" Cuphead asked and Mugman added on.

"He doesn't sound nice...I-I thought they were nice." 

Dice sighed, "Angels are following a higher law that we mortals cannot understand. They are also huge jerks to people who have lost someone they love." and grumbles while he explained this to the boys. "Why do you think I went with the Devil and not them?"

"What about Porsha?" Mugman asked and the angel turned to them.

"This girl sacrificed herself to people who hated and despised her. What did you think would happen? Would she be saved by grace for her actions? No, this is not a fairy tale where the hero lives. This mortal knew the price to set these people around her free and took it." The angel explained as he started releasing the souls to the afterlife.

"Could you bring her back?" Cuphead asked and the angel scoffed.

"Why would I do that? She had her time and now it is up." 

"You're supposed to be an angel! The least you could do is show mercy to one mortal!" Dice argued and the angel rolled his eyes.

"Mercy only comes form one being and it is not here. When and the angel did that last time a third of heaven fell with him." He explained finishing the job. 

Dice looked to the Devil who had gotten the souls going to hell. He looked, he looked saddened by that last statement the angel spoke. "Alright, leave the girl's body and her soul belongs to me." The demon said and the angle shrugged his shoulders.

"That seems fair enough, she was almost getting into heaven anyway." The angel chuckled as he left the room.

The souls the Devil had collected walked to Porsha. They laid down a purple and white flower. "Wait, what type of flower is that?" Cuphead asked Dice, tugging his sleeve.

"It's-it's an aster flower..." 

"Fairytales my ass." The devil mumbles as he walked over and tossed something on top of the souls.

He walked away as the souls all turned into aster flowers around Porsha. The flowers glowed and all dispersed around her. Then the flowers went inside of Porsha as Dice and the Cup brothers saw the room changed. 

"How did we get here?" Dice asked as he realized they were in an open field now with wildflowers blooming.

"We were here all along." Cuphead stated and Mugman chimed in too.

"The city of Aster was burned to the ground, so, there is nothing left but flowers blooming."

"Do you know what aster flowers represent?" DIce asked the boys and the two smiled.

"It means rebirth." The two said in sync.

"Yes, very good...I am sure Porsha would be proud  of you two..." Dice said as he stood up and walked to Porsha's corpse.

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