Chapter 20

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"Porsha! Porsha!" Dice called out to her, causing her to wake up from the nightmare.

"D-Dice?" Porsha said seeing him on top of her holding her shoulders. 

They didn't say a word. She hugged him tightly and he returned her embrace as they sat up. She buried her face in his chest while he stroked her hair. Porsha closed her eyes and listened to his heartbeat. It was calming, but the nightmare was still lingering in her mind. She didn't know what to do and somehow knew it would happen. Dice, still consoling her in his arms, could feel her shaking. He wanted to make her not fear and be here for as long as she needed. 

Porsha looked up at Dice. "Porsha?" She wrapped her arms around his neck as she rested her head on his.

"Have you ever been terrified, Dice?" She asked, closing her eyes.

Dice lifted her head and kissed her lips softly. "Only of losing you."

She smiled, Dice felt happier seeing his love smile, and she kissed his cheek. Dice got out of the bed, but felt Porsha hug him tightly from behind. "Porsh?" 

"S-sorry...I-I just wanted a little hug..." Dice chuckled and turned around to face her.

He smiled, "You need more time? We can have all the time in the world." and he picked her up swiftly. 

Porsha giggled while a puff of fire bursts in the corner of their room. It was Wheezy. "W-wha?" 

"Well, this is a surprise." Mr. Wheezy exclaimed, looking shocked.

"Wheezy?" Dice and Porsha questioned what they said simultaneously.

"Dice. Outside. Now." Wheezy said walking out the bedroom.

Dice sighed while putting Porsha down. "Hold on, love."

"Okay." She replied watching him walk out the room.

"What were you about to do?" 

Dice looked perplexed by Wheezy's statement. "Excuse me?"

"Did you two? Ya know go all the way?" He asked him, causing Dice to look down.

"N-no, but-"

"But what? Dice, you sure you are taking this okay? Is she pushing too fast?"

Porsha felt her heart sank in worry hearing those words behind her closed door. Then, she heard something different coming from Dice's. "No, she is not."

"How so?"

Dice saw the cigar cross his arms as he grew skeptical. "She is different than him. Porsha listens to what I have to say. When I tell her something, she doesn't just brush me off, but gives encouraging feedback. She even knows how I like my coffee and what my favorite song is."

Wheezy smiled and laughed. "Does she now?"

"Yes, Wheeze. Porsha is amazing and even tells me if I feel uncomfortable with something to tell her. If you would have let me explain further then you should know she had a nightmare. I was trying to calm her down before you busted into the room."

"Then I shouldn't have to worry. Seems like she's a great gal and yer head over heels."

"That is not why you came here is it?" Dice scoffed sarcastically.

"No, not for your sake, but for the Boss' sake..."

"What is wrong with the bos-I mean Devil?" 

"You may want to see it for yourself...."

Dice opened Porsha's bedroom door. "Porsha." 

"I-I uh..."

"Wheezy give us a moment, please." Dice shut the door behind him. 

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