Chapter 22

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"So, you do love him?" These words echoed through Porsha's mind. Dice noticed her lost in thought while the two walked home. He knows she should be. After learning everything about the casino, every employee, contract, and other deals that were made to keep it afloat. She had so much to process, so, he let her be. Porsha had many questions answered with talking the Wheezy and even the big man from down under gave her more answers than she'd not even fathomed before. She knew the day was coming, but didn't realize it was so soon. The two made it back to Inkwell, only to see the barrier fading that Dice had put up, then she lifted her hand. Her eyes glowed that luminescent purple as the master flowers around the whole town bloomed.

"Did you take the boys to get new clothes?" She asked Dice and he nodded.

"Yes, they have new slacks and such. Now, Porsha." He took her hands, noticing the flower glowing around them. "Love, I am by your side no matter what."

Porsha smiled, seeing his truthful compassion shining through his words, then the tender moment was gone as the last card ripped in two. "'s time."

They both looked out in the distance, outside of the barrier of inkwell, outside of the main structures of the island cities, and outside of the town itself. There the wolves stood like an army of hellhounds, only darker and louder. Foxtrot could be seen leading them in front and Porsha waved her hand upwards. The barrier keeping the people of inkwell inside was set. So, now Porsha and Dice could let loose all their abilities. 

She remembered back to her past: her mother being executed, the revolts, and the false prophet. Porsha thinks back to first encountering inkwell then being pulled back into the mass chaos Blackruth put them through. How he threw Wheezy out of the boat and everyone knew he was lying. Seeing the people being blinded by what they thought was a beautiful rose. She looked to Dice. how he changed over the months, knowing her and the boys, and falling for her. Even he had a dark past worse than hers, but he knows what to stand for now.

"Everyone ready?" Porsha asks and Dice takes out another deck of cards.

"Ready as I'll ever be." He replied, seeing the wolfpack grow closer to them.

Foxtrot stands about six feet away from them, wolfpack in toe, and stands up tall. "I said we'd be back hun." He sighed then started to yell as if he was boasting. "Boys! Take 'em down!" 

The Wolfpack obeyed and lunged toward Porsha and Dice. It was like a landslide of a blackened abyss heading to them. Porsha breathed in and held her in parallel to her body. The wolves parted as if it was some saint parting the red sea. She stared Foxtrot down, knowing where her father was, but not knowing when he would come. Then her answer came with the amulet glowing brightly. A screech was heard and it was followed by mechanical cackling, clanking, and clogging.

"My daughter..."

Porsha stops while hearing her father's voice cry out in the back. She steps back, in disbelief, bust something nudges her onward. She only sees Moon lunge towards her and her reflexes activate. 

"DICE NOW!" She pleads to her love and Dice pins her father to the ground by the spell of cards he has on him.

"ATTACK!" Foxtrot ordered his wolf pack, but they were too afraid to move. 

Dice held up the whistle and blew it, causing the wolves to disappear from their sight. Foxtrot stepped back as he realized his army were mere ghost hounds. "Dicey! C'mon old sport!" 

"Don't call me that." Dice said walking up to him and snatching his amulet off of his neck.

"Give it back!" The fox argued and threw out nasty slurs. Dice threw it on the ground and crushed it under his feet as if it were a cigar.

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