Chapter 5

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~Author's Note~

Welp! I have a tumblr now! It is DollarLollar and will have images and other Cuphead related things on there! It will also have more drawing and sketches I have created for this fanfic! As always, please tell me what you think! Like, vote, comment, or just read and share because you people are awesome!

"You need to rest." Dice said to Porsha as she noticed the files he was holding.

"No, we need to find out. I need to know this, Dice." Porsha replied to him as she felt the fatigue hit her. She rubbed her head. Was it really this bad? Had she done too much for her body to handle? Porsha shook off the thoughts that roamed around in her mind as Dice touched her cheek.

"Porsha, please, this may sound selfish, but do it for me. You have been doing all these tests with no rest at all. Please, just get some rest to ease my mind." He asked as Porsha held the hand that was sweetly holding her face. She closed her eyes and sighed while she took his hand away.

"Alright, I will try and get some rest..." She replied as Cuphead rushed up to them.

"Miss Porsh! Miss Porsh!" Cuphead tugged on her skirt frantically.

"Dear me, you've got in a scrap or something terrible!" Porsha exclaimed as she noticed Cuphead looking just as worn down as she was.

"Mugman's been taken! I need to get him back!" Cuphead sputtered out as Dice picked him up.

"Calm down now, Cup. Now, where did you last see him?" Dice asked Cuphead to explain.

Porsha and Dice appeared on the scene and they spotted the one man they never thought they'd see. Blackruth. He was in a robe; his black feathers were puffed above the collar as he slicked the feathers on his head back. The robe was a light grey, with trims of purple and gold on the ends. A white sash was around his waist with an emblem on it: a hand gripped a red scarf in the shape of an "S".  He was holding Mugman, unconscious, in his arms. Blackruth held his soul in his other hand.

"Porcelain Doll, it is your time to shine! Come on down and show these people what your kind has created!" Blackruth boasted as if he were a preacher in church.

"What have you done to him!?" Porsha yelled, her voice filling with anger.

"What have I done? What have I done? Dollface, this is just a little something your kind left for our end of the bargain. But-but-but! You can save him if-" His words cut through like a knife to her chest. "you come and finish what your kind has started. After all, you are the bargain!"

"What does he mean? Why is he saying all these confusing things?" Cuphead asked Dice as he fought back tears.

"If I go with you..." Porsha held her head down and she clenched her fists. "...promise- and I need your word! None of these people that these boys care about get hurt!" She looks at Blackruth with anger in her eyes knowing his traits too well.

With a devilish grin, he tossed Mugman away from himself. Porsha rushed to catch Mugman as the cruel man also tossed Mugman's soul to her. She cradled the poor boy in her arms as she returned his soul to his body. 

"You have 24 hours to make your amends and leave with us." Blackruth stated as he walked away.

Cuphead wiggled out of Dice's arms, "H-hey!" and Dice rushed after him.

"Mugs! Mugs!" Cuphead pled as he watched his brother become responsive.

"...wha..wha happen?" Mugman slurred as he regained consciousness.

Cuphead in: The Porcelain DollOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant