Chapter 8

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~Author's Note

Chapters and papers after college papers. I have never read so many things in my life until I started college. Leaving that statement behind me, hope you guys enjoy this one. It's gonna be a doozy.(Is doozy a word?)~

Blackruth slams the Bible, that Porsha handed him, on the desk in his room. The man shifted his form into the Devil. The demon began laughing as he leaned up against the wall. He crossed his arms as Blackruth turned around with an infuriated stare.

"Why are you LAUGHING!?" Blackruth asked coldly and the Devil responded easily.

"You've lost yer touch. Ever since I ended ya, back then, you are steadily falling down a rabbit hole. The funniest thing about it is that ya can't get out." Devil stated and tried to contain his chuckles.

"Well, if you hadn't of killed me then I would not be in this position!" Blackruth retaliated grabbing the bible.

"You shouldn't touch that as much." The Devil scolded as Blackruth threw the book at him.

"Do not throw this. Even I am not that stupid." The Devil replied stopping the book from hitting the ground.

"Wait, even you care about this godforsaken book?" Blackruth angerly said as the Demon scoffed.

"This 'book' is nowhere near that statement. If I think correctly this has more truth than you spewing out recklessly to those souls out there." The Devil's statement made Blackruth step backward in regret.

"You wanted a person to lead a group of poor believers to their fate!" He argued as the Devil put up his finger.

"Nope, that was the deal I made with you. Remember, I think it was something like this: If I can get this whole city to obey my every command, then you cannot have my soul." He laughed again, but more obnoxiously. "You got three who did not follow ya! Now you have lost two bets in one day." 

"Wait, I haven't lost any bets! I still have Dollface under my wing! Also, these fools are still breathing, so, I can still persuade the other three!" Blackruth stated as the Devil gave him with a smudged look.

"The two of the three are dead. So, you already lost that. Oh, and another thing; you know that the people who you executed did not follow ya. They count as well." The Demon explained and Blackruth looked scarce. "I will leave you on that note. Also, the cup brothers are here with who used to be my number one right hand."

The Devil exited the room, morphing back into his hooded form, and walked down the hallway. Blackruth sat down on the bed and put his hands over his face. Meanwhile, Porsha and wheezy were back at the cathedral. Porsha finished the final touch on the writings around the circle. Wheezy noticed the machines whirling around them glowing a light blue as Porsha put her hand on the circle.

"It's done." She said as blue whisps began swirling around her. 

"What are those things, toots?" Wheezy asked pointing to the whisps.

"You should know after being with the demon for so long." Porsha begins, "They are souls of the damned and forgotten." and holds on in her palm gently.

"Wait, those are souls?" He asked her and she nodded.

"Why else would they be here? They are executed people that Blackruth killed in this city." Porsha explained as Wheezy noticed one flying around him.

"Blackruth may not remember them, but they do. It is sad really, a killer doesn't remember the victim he killed, but the victim remembers who killed them. Wheezy, I would advise you to get out of this city and go back to Inkwell. People do give others second chances." She said and Wheezy scoffed.

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