Part 1

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It was mid-summer I was sitting in my bedroom sweating my brains out. I heard a knock on my front door. I ran to it before my brother could get it. It was my best friend from down the street Ivy wanting to know if I could hang out with her. Anything was better than sitting in my room that felt like a sauna. When we went around the corner of my house there were two glasses of ice cold lemonade. 

"One for you and one for me," Ivy said smiling at the look on my face. "Your the best Ivy," I said while we picked up the glasses. When we got to the park in the middle of the neighborhood we sat down on the swings and sipped our lemonade it was turning into the perfect summer day as we cooled down. When we finished our lemonade we decided to go to the pool, so we went back to our houses and changed into our swimsuits.

We stayed at the pool and relaxed for about two hours and we both agreed this was how somebody spent the perfect summer day. When we were walking home from the pool I looked over at the house that had been empty for about a month now and saw two teenagers about my age washing their parent's car. They looked really nice and then I saw a little girl that was probably six come outside and start helping them.

I made sure not to stare because I know Ivy would know something was up because I wasn't really that interested in boys but that doesn't mean that it couldn't change. I must have smiled to myself at the thought of the look on Ivy's face if I ever got a boyfriend because she asked me what I was thinking about and I couldn't tell her the truth so I just told her that it was a surprise which I think she believed.

Then I see Iris come out of her house and we walk over to meet her. "What are you guys doing?" she asks us. "Nothing much," Ivy tells her. We agree to go sit down on the grass again and listen to music but our phone speakers weren't that loud. Then I see him riding his bike around the neighborhood. Iris must have followed my gaze because she stands up and jogs over to him. "Hey kid can we borrow your speaker?" she asks him. "Iris leave him alone," I told her.

"We don't even know him," I continue. "Whatever," she replies with an eye roll. Ivy jogs over and says, "Leave it up to Iris the loudmouth to torment the new kid." We all laugh because Iris is really the loudmouth and even she knows that. We always wonder how the librarians don't ever kick her out because when she tries to whisper it doesn't do much good because the whole room can hear her.

"I just remembered that my dad has a speaker," she tells us and runs into her house to go get it. "That idiot," we both say to each other once Iris is out of earshot. "I heard that Alexandra!" Iris screams as she goes through her front door. Yep, that's my name Alexandra the longest name of eternity. My parents call it beautiful but I just think about having to write it out and spell it correctly at the top of all my papers.

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