Part 32

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The next morning I woke up threw on some leggings and tank, pulled my hair up, brushed my teeth, tied my shoes and went outside to go meet Daniel. He was walking up to my house as I came down my front steps. "You ready?" he asked. "I think so," I responded. We started to jog. We were about a mile in when my back started to send shooting pains all the way up to my shoulders. I knew immediately after I felt it that it was my kidneys. 

I hated water it was terrible. It didn't taste like anything. I mean yeah I had an eating disorder but like that's different water is just gross so I decided not to drink water the day before I didn't want to tell Daniel because I didn't want to ruin his run or worry about me but after about two miles I was wincing in pain. I tried my hardest to hold it back but it was so quiet at that time in the morning that you could hear any of the smallest noises.

"Alex, what's wrong? Are you okay?" he asked as he stopped running. "I'm fine just I little tired but I can make it," I said trying to lie. "No, you are in pain what's wrong?" he asked. "I just stepped funny on my ankle but it's fine. I can keep going," I said lying again and I guess he believed it I felt bad that I lied but I didn't want to ruin his run.

We finally got back and I was in so much pain. I have a really low tolerance for pain but I this was bad. I knew that it was because  I hadn't had any water the day before I just hope that it didn't get any worse. I couldn't tell my parents because they would say,"See we told you so," and I couldn't have Daniel worrying about me because he had enough to worry about in his own life. I took a shower and got ready for school. I jumped on my skateboard and rode it to school. 

When I got to homeroom Megan was there waiting for me. What the heck did she want to talk about now? "Alex I know that we have had a lot of talks together after we stopped hanging out but there is just one more thing that I was wondering," she said. "Well you can keep wondering because you don't truly care about me so I'm just going to let what you want to know continue to be a mystery to you," I said It felt so good to finally let the feelings I had for her out.

"Fine I get it you hate me but I feel like just because we aren't friends anymore doesn't mean that I don't worry about you. I think about you every day and hope that you're okay, she said sounding somewhat sincere. "Fine what was it that you wanted to know?" I asked her. "I never saw a picture of Daniel all that I know about him is what you've said. Do you have a picture of him or something?" she asked.

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